Undfey Ethnicity in Vyril | World Anvil


The Gods of Vyril

The Fey and the Undfey

While there are some fey who are considered evil, the Fey of Death and Discord or the Fey of Sin and Chaos are prime examples, they still consider themselves Fey and adhere to a widely accepted code of conduct by the Fey as a whole.

The Undfey have removed themselves entirely from what they consider to be a far inferior line. They are a small collection of Fey who insist on keeping themselves seperate and who have, for all intents, declared themselves the gods of Vyril. Though they are the minority in this school of thought, the Fey do believe themselves the owners, or keepers, of Vyril. Staking a claim to the plane above all others.

The very notable difference between the two is how they view the others, and themselves, on the plane and how they treat them.  


Fey have a very specific naming convention, that relays the family they were born into, the name of the family they marry into, the name their parents give them, and eventually the name they will take for themselves. The Undfey cast this aside and take only one - the name they have given themselves. Severing all ties to former family.  

Breaking the Code of Conduct

There is very little that the Fey deny themselves on Vyril. They consider the plane by and large theirs, everyone else is just renting it. Quite literally, since no other race is as long lived or eternal like the Fey, they're generally not worth notice or getting overly involved with. There are some Fey older than ascended deities. While there is no written rule about not interferring in the development or destruction of any culture or race, the Fey have widely ascribed to a position of neutrality on such a grand scale.

The Undfey do not. While the Fey themselves think the idea of gods on Vyril laughable, the Undfey equate themselves to such on the plane. Garnishing worshippers and cultivating sweeping territories that they proclaim as, exclusively, theirs. Pitting mortals against one another like some grand chest game and actively participating in it for their amusement. Usually to the very bloody, painful detrement to the mortals of the opposing side.

While this, in and of itself, would not be enough to set them apart from their kin, Undfey are not above killing their own kind. This is highly taboo amongst the Fey and one of the only rules they really have. A Fey is even hesitant to kill an Undfey and will only do so if they see absolutely no other way out. This includes allowing themselves to be imprisoned for an indefinate amount of time.

The Undfey have no such reservations. Nothing is off limits for them.  


Underdark by Jacob Rakowicz
We might call ourselves the Supreme beings on Vyril, but look at where we live. Look at how we live. No palace is so grand or domain so impressive that it will ever compare to the lands above. We are cast down. If you think you are so powerful, go live under the sun.
- Sanbenzel, Undfey to another during a brief meeting
The Undfey are few, scattered, anti-social amongst their own, and have largely been banished beneath the surface of Vyril ( and subsequently Torresind ). The Fey may not kill them, but they are willing to entrap and imprison their darker brethren or throw wave after wave of mortal armies at them until they are brow-beaten back underground.  

Undfey Domains

There are large portions of the Underworld that have been carved out and crafted into the ideal territory that reflects the Undfey that has claimed it. Some are relatively civilized, with sentient races inhabiting them and cities dotting the vast caverns and worshipping their Undfey like a god. Others are wild, twisted, magically warped places that mortals don't dare tred. Where the Undfey craft monsters they unleash in the dark or, occassionally, on the surface.
Underdark by Jacob Rakowicz
"I was born here and I will dictate the rules of this plane - not live by the whims of the parasites who infest it."

- Frithreoset, Undfey



Navithesk Empire  

Base Culture



Under 50  

Just Visiting

For the Fey, most races are guests. There are a fair few since the creation of Vyril that have been crafted or born on the planet. Whether a direct result of something the Fey have done or through the efforts of someone or something else. As such, most Fey have loosely accepted that the established races and nations on Vyril call the place home.

The Undfey usually do not. For them, there is only one race that can call Vyril home. The rest are either guests, that might've overstayed their welcome, parasites, or toys to be played with.
Cave Castle by Maciej Drabik

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Articles under Undfey

Cover image: Underdark by Jacob Rakowicz


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