Seer Camp Building / Landmark in Vyril | World Anvil

Seer Camp


There are not many settlements across the vast expanse of the Wastes. Rainstops and small, struggling communities are few and far between, along the most traveled routes between the largest cities. Besides the sporadic wilted farm, delapidated home, or ramshackle rainstop, there is on occassion a Seer Camp. Incredibly rare, these large, sprawling tents are havens and sanctuaries for the injured and travel wary. Considered by the majority of Xhousong as neutral ground, Seer Camps are sought out by the infirm in dire situations and circumstances. When whatever cure-alls and potions they've managed to get their hands on haven't worked, and someone is at death's door, a Seer's camp is one of the last bastion's of hope.
Desert Camp by J-D Macfarlane

Purpose / Function

The Seer are a collection of a few talented, magically inclined people across Xhousong joined in a loose guild-like association. Their intent and purpose is to aid the people of Xhousong during their times of need, healing the wounded and sick without charge. They do not function like a sanctuary or a charity, nor do they offer shelter from any manner of storm, but they will allow those suffering to stay with them for the duration of their care.


While no two Seer Camps may look exactly alike, there can be no doubt what one is upon seeing it. There are simply no others that travel with such lavish tents or maintain an almost stationary placement as the Seers do. They only move when a storm forces them to, and only if they feel their magic will not be enough to keep them safe. There will also be incense hanging from the tent poles and warded, rune-woven rugs spread across the ground. More notably, there will be a distinct lack of wagon or animal that will be able to move all of it. Seer are usually loath to leave their Camp for innumerable reasons and getting them to do so can be a trial.


The Seer Camps started out as a novelty right after the magical storms ripped across Xhousong, tearing up the interior of the country. A few benevent souls set out to help those that had been scattered and lost, whose cities and homes had been laid waste by the monsters and the storms. As time passed and the need never waned, these people learned of one another and learned to not only rely on one another, but trust eachother. The loose guild assosiation was built on the respect for the calling, for the desire to help, and their reputation spread as such.   Throughout the years, some traditions have been etched into the Seer's Camp. The taking on of an apprentice and leaving the entirety of the Camp to them is one of the major ones. When one of the Camps had passed along to family, and it had been dismantled and sold, the rest thought it a grave waste and sought to ensure that wouldn't happen again.

The Seer by Samantha Russo

The Seer

The Seer come in many sizes and genders, and can be of any race. Apprenticed to a Seer before them, each are chosen for a certain aptitude with the healing arts. They eventually inherit the camp from their Master and carry on the tradition, providing free aid to those in grave need. Seer are usually world wary, intelligent people who are not ignorant to the dangers of Xhousong or the Wastes. While they are skilled healers, many have talents in defensive magics as well to keep their camp safe to enforce the neutral ground rule.

Alternative Names
Seer Oasis
Parent Location

Cover image: Stormy Desert by Steven Cormann


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