Tuath Ethnicity in Vossmere | World Anvil
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The Tuath are the first human tribe to make contact with the Nokarians after the Separation. They met them on the mainland, and after initial cold interactions, became something of a sibling tribe, never participating in open war against the Nokarians, and often joining them in war against their enemies.   The Tuath are known foremost for their closeness to nature, which rivaled even that of the Nokarians, who highly considered the creation in all their practices. The Tuath Druids taught Nokari's monks, and learned from them, forming a stronger tradition and culture than either had before their meeting.   As a side-effect of their relationship with creation, the Tuath had great scholars and artisans, whose craft were instructed by the craftsmanship of the Great Craftsman--The Aviri. They knew various arts, from music, to woodworking, to gardening, growing every sort of plant in relationship to one another, and fostering orchards of Perfect Eontrees--replicas of the World Tree, especially potent in their ordering power. Their woodworkers grew the wood for their craft, training each tree to grow for its specific purpose--this one for the making of weapons, this other one for the building of a monument, and still another to be a monument.   As the world matured, the Tuath held to their traditions, often outpacing and indeed outlasting tribes who thought themselves advanced in technology and culture. Though they tended not to live in houses or behind walls, they built many of these for their allies, or as sanctuaries for those who lived in harsher climes, and their more portable arts are traded across the known world, out to its very edges.


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