Dya'Shra-Pra Kinokinaver Sid'Shrie Character in Vnou | World Anvil

Dya'Shra-Pra Kinokinaver Sid'Shrie

This is a WIP
There will be content here in the future. This article was created as a placeholder and referenced in another. While there is nothing here at the moment, there will be content eventually. <3


Related to the main bloodline of Sid’Shrie, Grade 6 Shra.


Dark brown, most would say black  


Kino tans as well as many as others of the Shrie though he doesn’t spend enough time in the sun to be considered tan. A soft caramel brown base.  

Body Features

Kino’s Laz is the family name in blocky letters on his inner left forearm, above the bend in his elbow. It generally requires him to pull up his sleeve to reveal, which is the point. His has a very intricate Zi that covers his back.


He tends to keep it short, cut stylishly around ear length and shaved along the back and sides. There is a soft red high light to the dark brown that speaks to other bloodlines influence.  


Sid'Shrie, distant cousin to the main line.  


Dya'Shra-Kuad Denetanorishon Zhu'Drahinuaw
Unbeknownst to Kino’s family, Denetan is believed to be a common vnou that Kino Connected with. His documented name is Chi’Shrie though it would officially be Vyablie-Drahinuaw’Shra-Kuad Sid’Shrie.  


Though Kino is in a relationship with his Bya, his job has prevented him from getting married. Or at least that’s what he keeps telling his family. Kino has no interest beyond his Bya.  

Clothing Quirks

Like many Shrie, Kino likes to wear his wealth. Gold jewelry is a prominent accessory while he dresses in layers of red, black, and gold. Long tunic-shirts and sashes are common-place in Shrie clothing. On more muted jobs, Kino’s clothing is still fine even if it has to be more conservative cuts or colors. His Shrie roots would be easy for any to spot if they were looking.    






Born into the Shrie, Kino was groomed from an early age for work outside the family caravan. No one could have guessed at such a young age that Kino would rise so high as to be a Sid'Shrie Negotiator, but his parents always saw something more for him than another laze-about the caravan. He was tutored more thoroughly than some Shpou which helped cultivate a sense of wanderlust. Kino wanted to travel and he learned, early on, that the best way to accomplish this would be to work for the Financier as a Negotiator.  

It would be during one of the outings to meet a tutor in a large city that he’d meet Denetanorishon. It was by accident, really. Dene was going through his own training, meant to practice blending in and observing. It was on such mission that Kino noticed Dene, when he was trying not to be noticed, and the quiet, passive Drahinuaw had no idea what to do when Kino approached him. Kino, being the cheery, chatty person he was didn’t exactly know why he was drawn to Dene but he didn’t question it either. He didn’t let the other vnou politely excuse himself because of that unnatural attraction – what nearly every vnou would recognize as the possibility for compatibility and thus a Connection. While Kino wasn’t the sort who believed in soul mates, he was, and still is, a vnou who gives into his impulses.  

This pursuit led to a heated confrontation, setting Dene off balance in a way he hadn’t been before. Kino would ruin two other such missions before Dene would eventually track the other vnou down, to learn more about the one who wouldn’t leave him alone. It would lead to Dene sneaking into the Shrie caravan, into Kino’s room to question him, and ultimately the pair Connecting.  

This accident was kept between the two of them for a couple of months before Dene felt compelled to tell his teacher – after which Kino got to meet more Drahinuaw and their arrangement was set up. Dene would remain with him and continue his training but Kino’s family was not to know just who Dene was.  

Dene’s position and training as a Drahinuaw Nuus would help propel Kino’s own career until he eventually had the freedom that came with the Negotiator position.

Articles under Dya'Shra-Pra Kinokinaver Sid'Shrie

Cover image: by Jason Wong


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