Light's Talon Organization in Venya | World Anvil

Light's Talon

'Light guide me. To where the world no longer burns. Where love never suffers. Where the battle ends. Guide me light, for I will lie down and know my work is done.'

Written by Yerran

'Fire blossoms and the world shakes, though the sulphur does little to mask the smell. Shrieks of pain and wretched wails assault my ears. Sounds I wished never to hear again. Another battlefield, another slaughter. I counted seven on my march here. More than when last I walked these mountains. Time is running away and they are not ready. Darkness covers me, as if the moon eclipsed the sun and I turn to see her. The Guardian of the Worldgate, Immalatius darkens the sky and I breathe a sigh of relief. So long as she lives, hope exists. Though I quicken my step, eager to leave those of the dying Host behind. Kaln Igni still stands.'  

The Order of Light's Talon

The oldest remaining order upon Lenwir, Light's Talon can trace its founding back to 0 A.C. and is still tied to the consequences of the Age of Strife. Those of Light's Talon are bred for service. They are born, train and die in the light of the Creator Gods. For they have taken on a burden that was not theirs and pay the ultimate price. Their selflessness, devotion and strength is represented by their Lightbringers, Talonguard and Scale Wardens, the highest ranks of the Dragon's Path and what all in Light's Talon aspire to be.

All within the towns, fortresses, guard posts are members of Light's Talon and all serve in their own way. The majority of devotees are dragon-kin but some heed the call of the light and make a pilgrimage to what they believe is a temple, but upon arrival find it quite different. These people stay, becoming one with the order. Due to the sacrifice of spirit and service what little power the Creator Gods still wield is bestowed upon these champions granting them all the gift of 'Everlast' (See: Sanguis Dei). This means that those of Light's Talon cannot die from age or non-magical sickness. They only die when they fall in battle, of which there is plenty as the Host is unrelenting, so much so it has come to be known as 'The Forever War' to those of Light's Talon.

'The Forever War'

The war between mortals and darkness during the 'Age of Strife' ended with the Cataclysm. It shattered the planes and all that bound them. From that point, the broken realms and kingdoms were left to put themselves back together, but for Kelentiuar that was not the case. When he returned to his charge within what became known as The Flametip Mountains he found his home besieged by horrors. The very same he had just defeated. It was then that he knew they would never stop, for in their hubris and desperation the World Nation of Famala had created what the darkness coveted above all else, a world engine. With it they could remake the cosmos as they saw fit, and no amount of light and devotion could stand against them. It was then that Kelentiuar founded Light's Talon and cut themselves off from the outside world, for this power would appeal to mortals also and it was better that few knew the secrets of this marvel. Since that day Light's Talon has fought against the darkness, unbeknownst to the outside world, closing rogue portals, slaying eldritch and unspeakable horrors in this 'Forever War', all in the name of 'The Light' and the Creator Gods.  

Across the Flametip Mountains

Across The Flametip Mountains stand forts, towns and fortresses built into the very rock of the mountains. Walls spread across passes, along impossible cliffs and through burning valleys. This seemingly endless defense was built and maintained over thousands of years, and even if it seems some might be useless or oddly places, they exist in what was once an area of concentrated battle. One that required Light's Talon to build defenses to contain an incursion. Now these walls are regular patrol routes for those that guard the mountain passes, or journey from one fortress to another.

The seemingly endless walls, forts, towers and barricades that crisscross the mountains are one of the reasons why others never try to cross. Any seen by those of Light's Talon that are not willing to join their cause are often thought to be infiltrators of the darkness and summarily executed. Those that aren't spotted run the risk of running into pockets of stray demons, horrors, devils and abyssal nightmares that make up The Host, making the Flametip Mountains extremely dangerous for all.

'Kaln Igni' & 'The Bastion'

Kaln Igni is the centre of Light's Talon. A fortress temple of incredible size and strength built and added to for centuries to become the most deadly murder labyrinth of tunnels and traps to any that seek to force entry. However it also serves as the seat of the organisations power, contains large grounds for training and huge areas for living and cultivation of plants and animals. At the top sits the mighty 'Temple of the Fang', a shard like steeple rising high above the sprawling city and where 'The High Lightbringer' holds mass.

Stretching out before the fortress's massive gate, called 'The Sun Door' is a large marshalling yard that houses mounts as well as workshops for siege equipment and masses of materials for construction and repair. Around that sits 'The Bastion' A gigantic ring wall that stretches far around Kaln Igni and is manned day and night. Within the bastion are dozens of barracks and towers occupied constantly by troops ready to set out into the mountains or defend its walls at a moments notice.  

'The Council of Scales', 'The High Lightbringer' & the 'Guardian of the Worldgate'

The power of Light's Talon is separated into three tracks, called 'The Dragon's Path'. All in Light's Talon must follow a path, each with different roles and powers, though with the same vision, for they all act towards the same goal. Those at the top of each path never compete or vie for power over the others for they know what is at stake should they fall to infighting, and each stays firmly within their jurisdiction.

The Council of Scales

This is a ruling council of elected officials and experts that command the citizenry, deals with issues and qualms not of a military nature and keeps the organisation running with supplies, manufacturing, crafting, maintenance, husbandry, arcane studies and everything needed to run a nation. Those that follow this path become members of the Talonguard, who answer to the Council of Scales. Though all train and fight, they are not the regular army, serving as militia when needed, or as specialists like magic users, sappers, armourers, etc.

The High Lightbringer

High Lightbringer Ifurius is the current High Lightbringer, and he is in charge of the spiritual aspect of Light's Talon, as well as the leader of 'The Lightbringers'. This track of The Dragon's Path protects the spiritual aspect of all within the organisation. This is within and without Light's Talon. Some serve as Inquisitors, rooting out cracks in the psyche of their organisation, and others as Vindicators' stalking the front lines, casting blessings and protections over the battlefields, as well as purifying desecrated sights, healing the wounded and banishing beings of great power. A large portion of 'The Lightbringers' choose to fight or combat the aggression of the Host directly, though some choose a more peaceful route, taking care of those within the forts and fortresses. All within this organisation are taught to wield the holy power of the light.  

The Guardian of the Worldgate

Immalatius, a great ruby dragon serves in this position. Her role and that of the 'Scale Wardens' that follow this track is attack and defense. This is the main body of Light's Talons' fighting force. Though there are dozens of specialties within that any can follow, it is their role to hold back the tide of darkness, to stand upon the walls, man the barricades and never give an inch. Many serve along this track at first, and then often move to one of the others after lengthly service, though there is no shame in that, and any are welcomed back with open arms. Immalatius herself sits above the Sun's Door and though she rarely journeys out herself, for darkness might seize the opportunity of her absence, she coordinates the defense of the entire The Flametip Mountains as well as rules the Dragon Guard, a force of flying dragons that patrol the skies over the region.

The Great Lie

Kelentiuar and the High Lightbringers that followed knew of the dangers of temptation, from within and without. Should those born into Light's Talon seek to cast off this life of servitude and devotion and travel the world, away from the perils of battle, or seek to learn the secrets of the world engine themselves, then the world could become imperilled. And with this was created the greatest lie since the Great Gate. All within Light's Talon are told of the war and how all races struggle and fight against the Host. How the continents are soaked in blood, between light and dark and the Forever War is omnipresent. With nowhere to escape, there is no choice but to serve. Even those that arrive from outside are made to join the ranks, and soon their memories are removed, hidden within their own minds, only glimpsed like wisps in a dream by the magics of the 'Council of Scales'. Only the High Lightbringer, The Guardian of the Worldgate and those amongst the Council of Scales know the truth. That they struggle against this darkness alone.


150,000 (95% dragons, dragonborne, dragonkin, dragonoid, 5% Other)  


All of Lights Talon are trained in battle no matter their role, and all within their domain are inducted into the order, for none from without can be trusted.


The first Guardian of the Worldgate and High Lightbringer, the Silver Dragonborn was the last Champion of Auwelle, Patron of Starlight and served upon the frontlines during the Age of Strife. He founded the order of Light's Talon when it became clear that what was created must be protected. He went on to recruit and train the first generation of Talonguard and Lightbringers and built the first fortresses under his reign.
Geopolitical, State

Guardian of the Worldgate

A title of the highest rank, one that grants power over all within Light's Talon during times of crisis or war. At all times the bearer of this title must guard the bastion and the Sun Door before Kaln Igni. The Guardian is both the first and last line of defense of the world engine, testing those that seek entrance and destroying those unworthy.

The Throne of Heavens 

Secreted away beneath Kaln Igni lies the World Engine and 'The Throne of Heavens'. With this one can remake the world and cosmos, or aspects of it, with but a thought. The power it holds is incredible and grows over time, waiting for one to pass the tests, gather the key, and sit upon its crystalline majesty.
Article cover image use permitted under pixabay CCL. 
Credited artists: Azuredrops

Articles under Light's Talon


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Aug 25, 2023 18:37 by Polina "Line" Arteev

I love the quotes you've used at the beginning of this article! They really set the tone for the content, and I find it impressive that the higher ranks of an organization so grand find themselves averse to infighting! The stakes must truly be dire.

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!
Aug 26, 2023 20:08 by Yerran

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for reading! I always liked this quote the most, though I try to include them on different organisation/nation articles. Their task consumes their evelasting lives, and they feel only duty for what they must do. It is truly a thankless life and one some would likely leave if they were not held there by 'The Great Lie'.
