Godflame Material in Ulterra | World Anvil
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A crackling black flame spills from the maw of the roaring dragon god, resembling flame in appearance alone and flowing through the expanse towards its target. The black flame undulates wildly as it flies, throwing hissing sparks all around like tiny tears in the space around them. The flame is not hot, but it burns all the same. It burns with a fury that even the mightiest creatures in this world fear. The fury of a flame that can slay a god. 
Godflame is one form of the furious energy of destruction that can slay a god. In general, the only beings that can create this energy are gods themselves, and even for them, the accumulation of such a thing is taxing. It requires concentration, and all but abandoning one's godly duties. Among beings that can normally expect to persist their consciousness without end, the threat of eternal destruction is a potent one. Even the most fiercely feuding gods will often not resort to the channeling of godflame, preferring even a total dispersion of their corporeal forms (something that can take hundreds or thousands of years to recover from) to an actual end of their continued existence.


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