Interplanetary transportation Technology / Science in Tunoda | World Anvil
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Interplanetary transportation

The technology that was used by the new gods to reach Tunoda before they defeated the Great Old Ones was developed on the Dwarven home planet. The first four heroes (the Balancer, Discipliner, Miner and Thinker) piloted the first skystone and landed in a mountain. The left behind crater was later populated and is currently known as Clearwen  After the Great Old Ones were defeated and banished from the planet, a magical barrier ensured that the planet was sealed from other planets. Neither magical or physical transportation is possible as long as the magical barrier is kept intact by the sacrificial magic performed yearly in the Tred cycle. Only a handfull of tinkerers from the homeplanet understood the technology enough to replicate it and it was not fully documented in fear of it falling into the wrong hands. The small period of time where the planet was accesible for interplanetary immigrants was chaotic in nature and none of the expect tinkerers moved to the new planet. This oversight led to a lack of knowledge that did not allow the new settlers to reproduce the skystone technology. Since the planet has since been sealed off to the outside, there has been no contact with the home planet and the technology is considered lost in Tunoda.
The loss of the original documentation does not necessarily imply that it is impossible for current scholars and tinkerers in Tunoda to reinvent the technology. In fact, a hobyist tinkerer that is currently enjoying his retirement by taking on an apprenticeship at the Forges of Gjerde is surprisingly close to a breakthrough that unlocks this technology. His affinity for garden gnomes led him to create many prototypes with special functionalities. While most of these are considered useless by the general public (who really needs a guarding gnome that makes farting smells?), some are the embodiment of great technological discoveries. One of his gnomes, dubbed blinky, travels so fast in random locations that is looks as if it is blinking from one place to another. This technology is essentially a smaller version of the high speed transportation that was applied in skystones.

Cover image: by pi_paints


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