Hallowstone Material in Trinity | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

With the appearance of a golden bar that glows with a vibrant white light, Hallowstone is the only man-made material with the ability to contain the divine magics of the gods. It can be made into any shape once the initial bar is forged, including armors, weapons and other metal-based objects of varying thicknesses. Items crafted with hallowstone are referred to as hallowed, such as a hallowed chest-plate or a hallowed war-hammer.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Hallowstone is a physical incarnate that upholds the divine order of Istus. Depending on the alignment of the creature it touches, it can be searing hot or ice cold. A creature of chaotic evil feels the metals righteous fury in full force, whilst those closer to the lawfully good feel a cool, calming emotion from the metals touch. The metal itself can only be heated to a state of malleability by holy flames cast by the sacred flame cantrip, and takes mere minutes to cool to a temperature suitable to touch with naked skin.


A mixture of iron, wyrmstone and gold are combined for the base metal of Hallowstone whilst a priest performs a ritual cast to imbue the metal with its Hallowed properties.

Life & Expiration

Typically, hallowstone remains imbued with energies for up to a year before it is required to be melted down, re-imbued and re-smelted into its proper form. Depending on the power of the original ritual casting, hallowstone can remain imbued for up to 5 years - although only Joseph Zephero has been able to extend the lifetime of hallowstone by such an amount.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Hallowstone is most commonly used in the weaponry of Divinity's upper ranks, however it is known to be commonly sold to adventurers whose pockets run deep in gold. Nobles who similarly can afford such an expense have the metal forged into items for household aesthetics, and for those of the Istus following - these items are quite literally worth their weight in gold.



As a metal in a constant state of decay, Hallowstone is not stored but is rather immediately put to use. Because of this, hallowstone is forged on-demand.
A singular bar of Hallowstone costs just over 6000gp at Divinity's selling price.
As a costly process, the metal is quite rarely sen outside of Divinity's ranks - but within the guild it is fairly more common.
A bright, glowing white light blocks the surface colour of hallowstone from sight.


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