Souls Material in Tome of the Lost Heroes | World Anvil


"I sold a part of my soul for power because of this I cannot die. For what is impartial cannot pass on."
Souls are a powerful regent in the dark magics that Warlocks and Necromancers use. They can make the spells and rituals more powerful, open portals to other worlds, and grant great power to the ones that are willing to sacrifice theirs for power. If a soul is fragmented the person with the fragmented soul will not be able to die because the whole will not be able to past on.


Geology & Geography

This material can be found all over Lomia wherever the races can be found since souls exist within them.

Origin & Source

Souls are apart of the fabric of creation and anything that has been given the gift of life has a soul within it. The stronger souls belong to the various races that call the world their home.

History & Usage


A powerful Orc warlock used the soul of a child to open a large portal between his world and Lomia which is how the orcs first arrived. This moment has been the inciting incident for many wars between the orcs and the Humans which has shaped the history of both worlds in significant ways.

Everyday use

Souls are used to fuel a lot of different dark magic rituals which can be anything from raising the dead to opening portals. Anyone can also bargain or sell their to a Daemon for power and to become a warlock, however this is not the only way to become one.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Souls are scared to most of the races and rarely or never used in magic. Some countries have even outright banned magic that requires souls.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

If a deal with a daemon is not completed in full it can result in the fragmentation of the soul which will make it impossible for the owner of the soul to die.


Getting your soul fragmented although immortality seems like a great thing to have. Having an incomplete soul will result in great torment to the victim as the daemons will torture the part of the soul that they do have until they can have the whole thing.


Law & Regulation

In a lot of countries throughout Lomia it is illegal to use the souls of others in the practice of magic.