Dracorazer, Elthigar's Edge Item in Thyr | World Anvil
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Dracorazer, Elthigar's Edge

Elthigar's Edge is a longsword, with a blade of dark adamantine that terminates into a cross guard of silvery electrum, the edges curving slightly upward and then over itself towards the blade, stopping halfway. There are intricate designs of filigree etched into the cross guard, and they curve their way all the way around it and meet in the middle at the blade. The designs then travel up the blade on both sides, ending at the tip. The handle is made of ebony wood, wrapped in supple leather that looks to be well-worn from use. The pommel, like the cross guard, is made of electrum, and forged into the shape of a dragon's head with an open mouth; in its teeth it clutches a prefect topaz in a rose cut.
The Dracorazers were crafted for one purpose: to hunt and slay dragons, and each of the ten blades was made specifically to kill one type of dragon; in this case, Elthigar's Edge was created to destroy gold dragons.  The blade emits a soft golden glow when unsheathed and dragons, dragonborn, or kobolds are within one mile of the wielder.  The blade telepathically communicates the direction of the source or sources, and can indicate whether a dragon is present at the source; it also telepathically translates draconic speech and text for the wielder, allowing him to speak and read draconic fluently.  It is a +5 blade, and it is considered Bane vs dragonborn and kobolds; if the wielder rolls a critical against a dragonborn or kobold, they are struck dead, no critical confirmation roll required.  The wielder can also choose whether the blade is Flaming or Shocking, and once chosen, it also gains the equivalent Burst special ability.  It also enables the wielder to Fly as long as the blade is on their person.  The wielder can also never be disarmed; if the wielder is disarmed, the blade automatically teleports back into his hand as a free action.  If rendered unconscious, the wielder will fall to the ground at a rate of 10 ft. per round, settling onto the ground and incurring no damage.
It is when a dragon is present that Elthigar's Edge truly becomes the stuff of legend; against a dragon, in addition to all of the abilities described above (except the critical ability, see below), the wielder always wins initiative, moving with all of the deadly purpose of a dragon slayer.  The wielder takes half damage from all breath weapons, and none on a successful save. Against dragons, the blade provides an SR of 25, and the blade can roll to counter any spell cast by a dragon three times a day. The blade gains the Defender special ability, but the bonus to AC is not subtracted from the bonus to hit and damage.  Against any dragon that isn't gold, the blade is considered Bane, and on a critical strike, it is automatically confirmed, but the wielder still rolls to confirm.  On a successful confirmation, the attack does triple damage.  However, when engaged with a gold dragon, the wielder never misses an attack and must only roll to confirm if their strike is a critical strike; on a critical the dragon is struck dead in a flash of golden light, and the topaz in the pommel glows brightly for the next several minutes. 
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Raw materials & Components
Adamantine, electrum, ebony wood, and a perfect topaz
Cannot be replicated