Viabaas, The Lord of Angels Character in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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Viabaas, The Lord of Angels

"Viabaas is the embodiment of justice, goodness, and light. He is the Lord of Lords, the savior of the Finite Races and of the entire Wraith Globe. Without the influence of Viabaas, I would be afraid to see our world."
- Jac Sorras, Cleric of Viabaas
Viabaas first became significant when he led The Lords' Rebellion against Artukos, the Lord of Wraiths. Towards the end of The Lord's Rebellion, the revolt was weakening. Viabaas played his trump card and created the most powerful weapon ever conceived, much less created. Daemor, the famous Wraith Slayer, was forged within the Incendiaar Foundry, the hottest lava spring within the endless expanse of Gearva. Viabaas dueled Artukos with Daemor, and after battling on Mount Karar'at for days, he threw down Artukos and executed him. After freeing the Finite Races, Viabaas set himself up as the next high lord. The Early Wraith War prompted Viabaas to once again come to the aid of the Finite Races, and there he established the Wraith Barrier. The splitting of the Finite Races into 4 nations came and went, and the Finite Races continued to battle and kill each other. Finally, Viabaas was sick of the ever-growing gruesome nature of the Fintie Races and struck The High Cataclysm, forcing the finite races to befriend each other. And from there the Lords and their legacy began to drift into the legends and mythos of the world...


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