The Reservists Military Formation in The World of Acuthan | World Anvil

The Reservists

Formation & Location

The Reservists are one of the most mysterious and feared fighting units in existence.   They became a latter part of a military strengthening program after The Nation of Churiss became an independent nation - it was formerly part of Ascadia to its west.   The path to independence was not a wholly harmonious or peaceful one and tensions have remained between the now two nations ever since. The leaders of Churiss for many years feared a military backlash/attempt from Ascadia to reestablish control of Churiss.   The Reservists are now approaching their twentieth anniversary and despite the fact that no attempt was made by Ascadia, they have been an active unit.   It would appear that only very senior leaders of Churiss know the identity of who, or what, they are. The unit is run by the head of the military, Commander Gax, a particularly nasty piece of work.   They are based on the small island just off the south-west coast of the main North Island Reserve. This is a designated Zone D risk area used to hold monsters and other powerful beasts for later transport to the Reserve itself. The unit is actively involved in keeping that risk area as safe as possible, and to prevent any monster escapes to mainland Churiss.   The people of Churiss do fear the possibility of such escapes and so feel grateful that such a unit is in place to prevent it. But some fear that if this unit was to ever turn on its own nation, the consequences would be far worse than any monster escape ever could be.  

Appearance & Rumours

No member of the Reservists has ever been seen out of their uniform - this consists of a full-length combination of grey tunic and leggings. They are also hooded in the same colored material that appears to cover a battle helmet of some kind, with a horned top, presumed for use in close-quarter combat.   Conspiracy theories abound concerning the true nature of this unit. In the local taverns of the City of Churiss, folk talk about them actually being undead, or some form of powerful spirit. Or perhaps the inhabitants of a faraway land otherwise unheard of. The more bizarre rumors relate to beings from another plane of existence or from other places that appear in the night sky.   Whatever the truth, the strength of the Reservists is not in any doubt to anyone at all.

In Action

There is no reliable intelligence on the overall size of the unit, and although the number of members could be relatively few, this has strangely added to the fear that surrounds them. For it is known that they have taken part in missions that virtually no other unit or powerful group of adventurers would dream of taking on.   Sixteen years ago, Acaria to the north, called upon the aid of Churiss to help it clear a cavern system of beasts that were released when a mining company delved into its depths in pursuit of gold and other precious metals. The entire mining team was wiped out in a matter of hours and the forces of Acadia could only manage to hold the beasts in the caverns while losing many tens of its own fighters.   Reports from the captain in charge of the forces reported demon-like creatures that spewed fire and flung seasoned soldiers across the cavern chambers with single blows.   A unit of twenty Reservists was teleported to the area. The Acarian forces retreated from the caverns allowing them clear entry. Now outside the area of danger, the Acarians reported more explosions and blisteringly hot fire spewing out from the entrance - the sickening sound of cracking stone echoed to the outside where those closest to the entrance temporarily lost some hearing such was the concussion of noise.   Then, all fell silent. Fearing the worst the remaining Acarians readied themselves for a final battle they knew they were going to lose. They saw what they thought was fire approaching the entrance and they braced themselves to face the demons.   To their astonishment, the Reservist force marched out of the caverns in the same disciplined formation they entered it with. All twenty returned. Not a single piece of evidence pointing to any injury could be seen on their shadowy uniforms. The only difference was the eyes of each, once as black as the darkest night, now shone a brilliant orange - the source of the fire they had thought was approaching.   When the Acarians re-entered the caverns they found the evidence of the battle - collapsed walls and ceilings, scorches on the rocks of such intensity that the stone had been melted and deformed. They also found the body parts of the fallen demons - or at least parts of them. For they were mainly now a powdery ash, with bits of appendages scattered over the floors as if the Reservists were sowing a crop of the foul demons.   After reports of this mission reached Ascadia, any potential intent they still harbored to retake Churiss ended.

Regular Duties

The North Island Reserve is essentially a tourist park. Part of its function is to provide a place where adventurers from the inexperienced to the most seasoned can hone their combat skills.   The highest risk is Zone D. The monsters acquired and transported to this zone are immensely dangerous and there are times when the adventuring teams require assistance and evacuation.   This is the moment that the Reservists are sent in to extract the adventurers to a safe location. Part of their skill set is to achieve this with minimal damage to the monster population and hence save replacement costs.


The Reservists carry only a long spear. The blade is crooked and at first glance appears to be more in keeping with some form of farming implement.   However, it is sharp enough to slice through dragon scales without suffering so much as a nick in return damage.  

Observed Powers

Although any rescued from the Reserve are sworn to secrecy regarding what they have witnessed, some stories have surfaced over the years of the Reservist Unit shooting flames from their eyes and literally melting anything in its path.   It is also heard that they act with such speed that they are a blur to the eye. Battles they are involved in are over before witnesses can discern any specific tactics they utilize.

Specialist Missions

Since the Acarians called upon the help of the Reservists, other nations have sought good relations with Churiss. Some who have been generous in their dealings with them have also been able to call upon their aid.   Churiss will only accept very specific and quick missions, usually relating to the clearance of some monster incursion.   They never get involved in any conflict between nations - they believe their long term position as a small independent nation is best served by staying out of such conflict and politics, no matter how much others try to convince them otherwise.
Cover art by: Stefan Keller


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Jul 18, 2020 14:39 by Caitlin Phillips

There are so many interesting hooks in this article! I'd love to learn more about the Reservists.

Cait x
Jul 18, 2020 14:58

Thank you! I'm am writing more on the Reservists and deciding as I go how things will play out. I'm glad you liked it and am really grateful for you reading my articles.

Jul 18, 2020 17:16

Once again an amazing article! I love the eyewitness (ish) report of the cavern skirmish!

Jul 18, 2020 17:47

Thank you so much. I was thinking of a completely different idea and then I came across the cover picture and it took me in a different direction - funny how that can happen sometimes. Thanks again :)

Jul 18, 2020 17:58

I agree! Pictures are great at stimulating the mind!

Jul 20, 2020 10:48 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I was like 'oh wow, these guys really sound like an elite fighting force. And then:  

The only difference was the eyes of each, once as black as the darkest night, now shone a brilliant orange - the source of the fire they had thought was approaching.
  Yikes. D: They sound particularly terrifying. I wouldn't want to get on their bad side.   I'm really intrigued to learn more about these guys. I have so many questions. :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 20, 2020 12:30

Thank you. I'll definitely be writing more about them. Glad you liked this one, I had fun doing it :)