The Covenant of the Circle Document in The World of Acuthan | World Anvil

The Covenant of the Circle

The Discovery of Magic

Magical abilities first began to surface over two thousand years ago. Only a handful of people displayed them. These individuals were the first in the evolutionary chain to have minds with a Tuning ability.    They did not understand what was happening to them and were often just as fearful as those around them. Some were driven out by their communities and most were killed.   But over time they began not only to lose their fear but to seek more knowledge of their abilities and covet greater powers. They heard stories of others like them and sought them out. However, any harmony that may have existed between them was short-lived as they began to argue and fight. By the end of their conflict, only seven remained.  

The Covenant

The seven that remained formed an agreement to work together, using their powers to exact revenge on their true enemy - for by this time they had developed deep anger and hatred toward the people of the world for the persecution they had, and still, faced.   They determined to form a binding promise to develop their powers and exact revenge on the world. On that day, gathered around with their arms linked, they formed the Covenant of The Circle.   The agreement was written onto a piece of leather made from the cured skins of those that had betrayed them. In this killing of their own families and the signing of the agreement, they sealed their covenant to each other forever.  

Historical Impact

The Circle strategized to build an Empire. Part of that was to destroy any others who were reported to have magical abilities along their families.   Using their intelligence as well as their now immense magical powers, they gradually built allies and placed them across many nations in the region.    Through those agents they surreptitiously gained increasing political power and ultimately control.    Once in control of nations and their armies, they began to conquer other nations around them.   After years of conquest, alliances were eventually made between nations and races that remained outside their control. When they rose up to meet the might of the Circle's Empire, the first great war was begun. This culminated in the Devastation.

Tenets of the Covenant

In broad general terms the first Covenant required each member of the Circle to the following:  
  • Swear allegiance for all time
  • Share all magical knowledge
  • Find & kill all others with magical abilities
  • Build an Empire and share the spoils

  • As their Empire took shape they agreed how they would govern and who would lead each geographical sector. This was amended as necessary to reflect additional growth or contractions.

    The House of the Seven Divines

    After the Devastation, the Circle re-emerged with their chosen to repopulate the world.   They created a religion they named The House of the Seven Divines to keep the growing population under control and installed themselves as the gods of this House. Two thousand years on, it is still the most predominant religion and has shaped much of the region's moral and political structures.   The real names of the Circle have been lost in time but their deity names live on in the religion:
    • AKAMOM - god of youth
    • YUROKO - god of happiness
    • ANJA - god of prosperity
    • KOROS - god of conquest
    • AI - god of love
    • MNAZO - god of mystery
    • SHIBO - god of death
    Those at the very top of this religious hierarchy know the truth - not only has their legacy rippled through time, but... the Circle still lives.


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    Aug 3, 2020 12:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    The Circle still lives? Yikes.   I love all the little details in this, like you touch on the fact that the covenant was basically written on the skins of their dead families. And that the Circle enthroned themselves as gods. Lots of different facets to explore further, here.

    Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
    Aug 3, 2020 17:35

    Thanks - yes, the Circle is central to the overall campaign if ever one was to be run. But still trying to think of a better name for them! :)