Hunted Character in The World of Acuthan | World Anvil


Watcher of the Divine House Tanaya Silloy

"The Watcher has become the Hunted. He was last seen in the City of Churiss. Go there. Track him down. Do not speak with him, and show him no mercy. Take his head and bring it before me."   The final words of Saichi, Patriarch of the House of Conquest, to the assembled Order of the Watchers.

The Watcher

Tanaya Silloy was a Watcher of the Divine House. He was chosen for the Order when he was just two months in his mother's womb.   Having passed the stringent training of the elders in the Order, he was assigned to Watch over the Houses of the Seven Divines (The House) in the nations of Churiss and Acaria.   For ten years he served diligently, following and enforcing the teachings of his religion. The Matriarchs and Patriarchs to who he reported never had any cause to be anything less than perfectly satisfied with his actions and advice. He was a model Watcher - pure to his beliefs and feared by the priesthood.  

The Divine Council

Tanaya was summoned to meet with the Divine Council, the supreme ruling body of his religion. He was given a most critical task - to end the life of Athrene, the leader of the city Agano. They had long been at odds with this place, which disputes the validity of their teachings and the very existence of the gods. They seek to apply reason and evidence where none need be applied - and question everything that is sacred to the House. "She must be eliminated for this blasphemy".   The location of the city is a closely guarded secret and despite some years of trying to find it, the House had failed. However, by a stroke of luck, they had come across some intelligence that Athrene was to visit The Nation of Churiss during the next month - more specifically the The Library of Learning & Culture in the capital city. This must be a mission of great importance for her to leave the safety of her city.   Now was the chance for the House to rid itself of a powerful enemy - Tanaya was to travel there and await her arrival...  

The Betrayal

The Divine Council awaited word that the task was complete - but it never came. They knew of the arrival of Tanaya in the City of Churiss and that he was seen entering the Library. But the sightings ended there.   They knew that had he failed in his task, there would have been reports of a disturbance - a Watcher would not have been subdued without mayhem that the whole city would have heard.   There could be only one explanation - the unthinkable had happened. Tanaya, a Watcher, had betrayed his Order, betrayed the House. Now information that no outsider must know is likely in the hands of one of their most dangerous enemies.   They could not fathom why he would betray them. Perhaps the Head Librarian was involved - they knew some of the history of Seth Hedra. If he is their enemy also, the position was far worse. There were so many unknowns. But one thing they did know.   Their world was about to change.
Sky blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cover art by: Stefan Keller
Portrait art by: SilviaP_Design


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Jul 10, 2020 06:05

Oh! I like that we are on tender hooks! What happens next?! I can't wait to find out.

Jul 10, 2020 09:12

Thank you! Hopefully there'll be some prompts tonight that I can use to tell more :)

Jul 12, 2020 23:58 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo, interesting! Really intrigued to know what happened to him and if he really betrayed the Watches! :O

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 16, 2020 20:16

Thank you - I was struggling to find my main characters for some stories - in a way I think I've stumbled across one. Thank you.