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The Vyrium

1 Meltmoon 1

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Nine ships to carry nine species to the single planet of Phylios, each with their own reason to colonize. And that reason becomes their Power, concentrated and reflected in the nature of their race.   The Khlopok are a lagomorphic species with a private colony charter, sent to exploit a second world for its riches. They gain influence over the markets and resources of the world as Merchants.   The canine-like Alsatians were sent to start a military outpost on the frontier. All manner of military might and protective force is theirs, for they are Guardians.   Shaytan, a mixture of deviants, criminals, and rebel serpents exiled from civilized society to create their own place. Crime and rebellion are their specialties, being the Renegades they are.   The avian Mandatum find great happiness in administration and authority, so why not lead another planet? Be they in charge of a democracy, monarchy, or plutocracy, they make excellent Rulers.   Jaanana, a species akin to Loxodonta, are naturally curious, and always finding something to research and advance. They are the great teachers of Phylios and are called Mentors as such.   The cervid Moineir were forced from their irradiated home, devastated by war, as the last of their kind. The health of their species and their planet is paramount, and they are the Healers of this world.   Kukim, as equines, know that a connected world and proper communication are key to a species' success. They make reliable journalists and logisticians - they are the best Messengers as a result.   The ursidae Oguman only wished to escape the religious persecution of their homeworld and found their promised land in Phylios. They hope to spread the good word of their faith to all others and find themselves highly capable priests - even Prophets.   The pantherian Istorial wish to spread art and culture to the new world and create new cultures as their civilization grows. Be they dancers, musicians, painters, or the historians who unearth it all, they are the Artists of this world.   With these nine Powers that Be, much has been gained, but even more lost. The myth - or threat - of the Vyrium, an entity beyond this universe, looms over Phylios like a waiting predator. Not everyone can stand against the Vyrium, and the eternal race for Power may consume the world before it can.