The Collar of Kron Prinz Item in The Sorrow of Souls Quartet | World Anvil
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The Collar of Kron Prinz

The Collar of Kron Prinz is part of the official regalia worn by the Kron Prinz of Kredashmi. The collar is a silver chain adorned with dragon scales and other precious stones, worn around the neck as a symbol that the person is the legitimate, recognized heir of the Kredasene König.  


  The history and evolution of collars dates back to before the Raskvaerii Invasion of Kredashmi, and was solely used to denote the status of Kredasene clan leaders. The first clan leaders initially wore rings cast with the shape of their herald insignia to declare their clan status. This gradually changed to simple chains bearing the same insignia, which would be passed down from father to son.   With the arrival of the Kredasene dragons and the forging of close relationships between human and beasts, the collars began to evolve. As dragons shed their scales, these started to be encorporated into the designs of larger, more elaborate collars.   The Final Battle of the Invasion brought about the almost entire obliteration of Kredashmi's clan leadership. In the wake of the battle, the Raskvaerii conquerors started to implement their Policy of Empire. This saw the marriage of high-ranking clanswomen with esteemed Raskvaerii militart and political leaders who had helped ensure the success of the conquest. Some collars, include that belonging to the Tauren clan, were reported missing, while most others were surrendered to first Raskvaerii-König.   The Tauren clan's collar was rediscovered two generations later when remodelling in the northern wing of the castle led revealed it had been sealed behind a wall inside a gilt-and-jewel inlaid box. It is believed that the clan leader's daughter, Catharina van Tauren, had ordered the collar be concealed before the arrival of her future husband, General Mariusz Senyavin, at Port Rhaelis Castle.  

The Collar of Kronprinz

  The Collar of Kronprinz was jointly commissioned by König Miron and Königin Josefien Therese for their son, Henryk, on the occassion of his fifteenth birthday. It is believed that the Königin was given almost complete artistic control over the creation of collar. The collar drew heavily upon the design of clan collar worn by the Königin's own father, the last Kredasene König, Henryk Rhaelen.   The collar consists of two parrallel silver chains, linked together in the central space by interchanging symbols of the empire and bright blue dragon scales. Later, after the Martyrdom of Saint-König Miron, Henryk had a representation of his father facing the Last Dunheuvelin Dragon, hung from the collar.
To do: Finish this article. It's in a really rough draft form.

Cover image: by Michael Schaffler


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