Glitterfeld Settlement in The Nordhavyn Isles | World Anvil


Glitterfeld was the earliest mining town in the Misty Inlet area. While explorers scouted the banks and tributaries, one noticed a significant amount of glittering flakes in a river as it entered into the bay. These flakes persisted all the way upstream into the foothills. Work immediately began on not only a tunnel system, but also the town along the banks of the small stream near the springs.   As the mines grew, it became apparent this was no ordinary mine. Rich veins of silver, gold and platinum were found plentifully in the mountains. From this wealth the town of Glitterfeld came into being. All matter of miners, smelters, and secondary businesses sprang up overnight. Due to the lack of food and hostile environment, it has never flourished to anything greater than a small town. The primary work is centered on the mining and delivery of ingots to Nord Way   The town center is located on a small promontory with the stream on one side, the mountain behind and cliffs surrounding the rest. The town center contains the residences for the city bureaucrats and mine owners. this area along with the entrance to mines have sturdy walls and gates and are under constant patrol. A series of minecarts and a basic rail network take the raw ore down to the smelters which are located away from the town center and closer to the various miner residences, shops and docks. Though not pleasant, this area of town suffices. Since most of the workers see this as a temporary residence in use only when actively working in the mines, most put up with the living conditions. Workers tend to have their primary residences at the mouth of the river or at larger towns and cities along the inlet. Since workers are rotated on and off the job at regular intervals, it keeps their morale up and allows them to also focus on their private residences, farm and livestock.


City Council comprising of Mine Foreman, Chief Constable, Trade Guild Boss

Guilds and Factions

Trade Guild
Miners Guild
Founding Date
Owning Organization
World Map
This is the world


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