Tower of Elders Geographic Location in The New Frontier | World Anvil

Tower of Elders

The Tower of Elders is a moon in the orbit of Prometheia. In the past it was believed that Elders watch Velors from it. That belief was partially confirmed when Velors reached their moon for the first time. On the surface of the moon they found a derelict structure which was identified as an observation post and residential complex for three people. Connection to the Elders was obvious to everybody as there were 3 Elders.


Tower of Elders is a barren rocky moon unhabitable for almost every lifeform. The surface of the moon is covered in hills and meteorite craters. The Veloran base is located in the so-called Elders' Basin, which is the place where the derelict structure was found. The structure itself is left as ruin and considered a sacred site. The rest of the basin is covered with industrial installations and mines.  

Natural resources

There are a lot of resources on the Tower of Elders. The most important are:

  • Water and oxygen found in ice
  • Iron
  • Titanium
  • Helium-3
  • Rare-earth elements (Promethium, Europium, Scandium, Lanthanum)


Despite being mostly an industrial colony there, are tourists on the Tower of Elders. Every year (Prometheia year) hundreds of thousands of pilgrims visit the derelict structure considered a holy site of the Elders. The most religious of the Velors believe that visiting Tower of Elders is a duty which everyone must do at least once in their life.
The number of pilgrims and the limited capacity of the holy site has resulted in the establishment of many hotels in the immediate vicinity of the derelict structure. The hotels are the centres of community on the Tower of Elders. The halls of the hotels are full of vendors selling cheap and poor quality souvenirs. The most common ones are gems of Ur-Pol which are supposed to protect from illness and bad luck, coins of Kal-Uk which are supposed to give prosperity, and daggers of Tal-Ok which are supposed to protect from harm. Church of the Elders tried to ban the trade there, but wasn't successful. Velors might be very religious, but it doesn't mean that capitalism didn't develop in their culture.
Alternative Name(s)
Planetoid / Moon
Owning Organization


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