The Bloodguard of Ramo Organization in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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The Bloodguard of Ramo

The Bloodguard is the guard force of the Empire of Ramo, in a word. They are the people chosen from carefully-vetted candidates to be trained both physically and mentally, then shipped off to the various corners of the vast Ramoan nation to help secure and protect the citizens of the Empire.

Eligibility and Training

Unlike some Renathian nations where the guard corps of a city is more of an involuntary draft, the Bloodguard only accepts volunteers. Due to the belief that separating people forcibly from their place of birth to place them at the edge of the Empire would do more harm than good, the officers of the guard prefer their recruits to be willing to go anywhere in service to the Empire. Otherwise, there are only restrictions regarding health and ability to read and write.   Training is usually held either at The Crimson Tower or other guard academies in the major cities of the Empire. Most training is physical, as being a guard in a world like Renath is no simple task. But a significant amount of emphasis is placed on mental and spiritual training, as the guards may have to experience more emotional areas of their job.


The traditional garb of a Bloodguard is a reddish-brown leather jerkin emblazoned with the red stag of the Empire, a metal helm with a small red feather tucked into it, a light crossbow, a quiver of bolts, and the role's signature spiked mace. The rest of a given guard's garb would be up to them, such as whether they want to wear a tunic or a shirt underneath their jerkin, whether they want to have other weapons on hand, or if they want to decorate their armour with a badge or other minor accessories.   Higher-up officers often wear heavier armour, many opting for a breastplate due to its defensibility while also not requiring a huge amount of time to don. The red stag is still required for identification, and the red feather is likewise necessary, but many add other feathers, carry more unusual or skilled weaponry, and not a small number often ride horses.

Fortresses and Keeps

One thing that the Ramoans do not shirk on is organization. Every region of the Empire has its own small fortress where the Bloodguard meet in order to regroup in case of dissent or attacks from neighbouring nations. All of these keeps are the best that the architecturally-gifted Ramoans can craft, containing hidden postern doors, counter-tunnelling measures, and other defensive features.

To shed blood for the Emperor is the height of honour

Founding Date
867 PC
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
The Redguard, Reds
Training Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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