The Boar and the Hunters Geographic Location in The Kantas Expanse | World Anvil
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The Boar and the Hunters

As ships approach Kantas, one of the many challenges they face is how the stars seem to shift slightly. Their position in the sky is not quite where Faerûnians would expect, and astronomers have tried to use this to pinpoint Kantas' exact location. Angry stacks of wasted parchment speak to the difficulty of this task, as stars do not appear to have each shifted the same amount.   What this does mean is that the constellations known to the residents of Kantas are quite different. One pointed out by the local Erina of The Dell is that of Tyfon - the Boar, sitting in the eastern skies for most of the year.   Comprised of ten stars, including one with a slightly purple hue called Tyfon's Eye, the tale told from the Dell is of a huge beast which threatened their people centuries ago. It's breath was clouds of poison and it's tusks could shatter steel. Daring to venture out from the safety of the Dell was a dangerous prospect for years, with any Erina hunters who encountered the fearsome boar seldom returning.   It took a group of five brave Erina warriors to eventually hunt Tyfon down and slay it. The battle was long and dangerous, keeping themselves spread out and hailing arrows into the beast's sides. By the end of it, two of the five lay dead as well. Those that returned with the bodies of their friends and the mighty Tyfon were raised up as champions of their people, though the tale says that they still felt uneasy. In Tyfon's dying moments, the terrifying predatory eyes of the monster seemed to flare a violet hue, and they each felt an inexplicable chill in their souls.   The fact that these remaining champions of the Dell each died within a year in different mysterious circumstances confirmed their initial fears - Tyfon's dying breath had cursed them.   There is a cluster of stars near the Boar in the sky, five in a small group. These are known as the Hunters in honour of those who gave their lives to save the Erina. To this day, the phrase 'Tyfon's breath' is used as a curse and a mark of fear in the Erina community.


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