The Apocryphal Tale of the Fall of House Caelur Myth in The Kantas Expanse | World Anvil
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The Apocryphal Tale of the Fall of House Caelur

With the claiming of the Twilight Court by former spymaster Miandra Gleaming, a few old stories have been circulating about her origins. There are many versions flying around, but some have noted that one particular version of the story tends to end with the storyteller mysteriously waking up the next day with no memory of the tale they had told...    
The (Apocryphal) Tale of the Fall of House Caelur   Many years ago, the House of Caelur (Caelur being a constellation in the duskward sky) was a minor but respectable house renowned for their diviners. Queen Sarastra (may-her-glory-ever-glitter) called upon them regularly for prophecies or the reading of omens.    The Twilight Court at one point came into conflict with the bordering Court of Sapphires, and ahead of a battle between their respective forces, the queen summoned House Caelur for advice. What the queen did not know however, was that the youngest daughter of the house, Miandra, had been kidnapped and was being held hostage by members of the Sapphire Court. And so, House Caelur lied and placated the Queen of Night and Magic, telling Sarastra that she would win easily. Instead reinforcements arrived and the army was crushed.   Miandra was returned by the Sapphire Court to a horrible scene. The family home of House Caelur had been destroyed and her family turned into goats as punishment for their betrayal. Over the next few years, the remnants of this noted house of diviners were slaughtered and their entrails used for divination by others - a fitting punishment for treacherous prophets, it was said.   As for Miandra, Sarastra spared her on the condition that she swore an oath: to forever serve the Twilight Court and its interests and to never seek harm on Sarastra or her retinue. And this is how she entered the intelligence service.
      Strangely enough, the idea that the new Queen Gleaming was in fact oathbound to the court has been very quietly stamped out. The subsequent suggestions in some corners that Miandra in fact only sought the throne to restore her family name and unify the court's aims with her own - she cannot be working against the court if she *is* the court after all - dare not be uttered aloud.


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