Sighted Ethnicity in The Hunter's Dream | World Anvil
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The Sighted are people who have had a direct encounter with the Powers, supernatural manifestations of hopes and fears. These encounters are invariably life changing and usually traumatic. They are called "Sighted" because they have seen things that few humans would dare to believe possible.   When encountering the supernatural, particularly the fears, most people refuse to engage with the idea. The vast majority of Sighted are thus merely victims of the frightful Powers, innocents who have had the misfortune to attract the attention of a Power. Such people often live their lives in fear. Some are stalked over time by a Power that savours its victims over months, years, sometimes even decades before finally making the kill, others face a single terrifying moment, or a series of such moments as the fear inspired by an encounter with one Power can draw others to a victim. Most people try to move on with their lives, and many succeed, usually after months or years of actively grappling with their experience.   The hopeful Powers tend to be more benign, or at least more subtle. Many of those who face aspects of these Powers are none the wiser for their experience, and sometimes even find their lives improved by the encounter. The most extreme example of this would probably be the enormous Megaflorica plant-islands of the High Seas. Most seem to take it as given that these astonishingly large plants are entirely natural, seeing multitude of bizarre properties it exhibits as scientific curiosities, not hallmarks of the influence of The Wonder.   Modern society sees the people who believe in the Powers as gullible fools, believers in old superstitions and myths in an era that has embraced science and reason above all else. Even religious institutions operate with abstract prayers, believing in their God as a passive observer since ancient times, or perhaps even the dawn of Creation. While it is true that scientific thought has expanded human understanding of the universe by leaps and bounds over the last few centuries, many modern societies have made the mistake of assuming the old ways are merely primative versions of their own efforts to understand the natural world. Sadly, this means that people who would once have found an understanding society that would seek to defend them from that which assails them, they now find only ridicule.   However, while this accounts for the vast majority of Sighted, there are some who do not fit the mould. There are some who willingly choose to associate themselves with a Power, either embracing the nightmare seeking to envelop them, or seeking shelter from rival Powers. Indeed, some of these were never victims in the first place, but people who discovered the Powers separately and actively sought out a relationship with them. Those who make this choice, whether or not they comprehend what they are doing, become something other than a human. Invariably, they grow increasingly resiliant to injury, and they gain unique abilities associated with their Power. Those bound to The Hunter, for instance, gain an exceptional awareness of their surroundings, particularly when it comes to indicators of the being they are currently Hunting. In extreme cases, they sometimes gain the ability to grow teeth or claws capable of carving through good steel like a knife through butter. In turn, however, they must feed the Power that made them what they are, or weaken and die over the course of a few weeks. There are a variety of terms used for such beings; those of us from the Hunter's Guild refer to them as monsters.


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Aug 6, 2023 05:11 by Tim Day

Hey, just wanted to say i really like this article, and the whole concepts of the Powers and Sighted. Looking froward to delving some more. I've got this on my Summer Camp Reading List, which is all still in progress, but I hope to have it published soon enough.

Aug 8, 2023 03:04 by Rashkavar

Thanks for checking things out, and for the comment. This is a brand new project started with Summer Camp, so things won't be quite as coherent as a more established world. I am definitely planning on continuing with this, though at a somewhat reduced rate of progress without Summer Camp lighting a fire under me.

Aug 8, 2023 03:15 by Tim Day

Thats the best thing about these challenges... in between I'm all side-salads and distraction. Summer Camp and World Ember are basically the only times I get focussed and eat the whole buffet. :-)