Keiros, Embodiment of Hellfire Character in The Great Shift | World Anvil
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Keiros, Embodiment of Hellfire


Physical Realm
Keirso is the daughter to Reknis and Esnis, sister to Valaros. In her youth she was a cruel child that took great joy in the pain she caused to her cousins and aunt. As she watched her aunt create massive forests she would follow behind and set fire to them all while she giggled and smiled. Her actions would cause her aunt Ammsa to hate and resent her. When the mortal races were created she viewed them as another toy for her to play with. After the mortal races discovery of fire, she would speak to those who found themselves alone around a campfire. In the dark of night she would drive many into madness. When she grew bored of playing with the mortal races she turned her sights on Mrhsus. For centuries she would tell Mrhsus that he did not deserve the hatred of the mortal races as he was only doing what his father had tasked him to do. When her parents began to conspire against Deywos and Ammsa, she took great joy in being part of their downfall.
As her parents began planning to over throw Deywos and Ammsa, Keiros confided in Mrhsus and told him of her parents plan. She believed that she could convince Mrhsus as she believed that she had bent him to her will. She spoke poison into his ears and when he left he agreed but walked away with sadness in his eyes. Convinced that he meant his words, Keiros ran to her father in hopes of telling him that she was able to trick Mrhsus. When she arrived she witnessed the clash between all the gods. Fearful that she betrayed her father she tried to flee. As the Years of Hellfire grew to a close, as her powers began to weaken, She was cornered by Ammsa who was no longer able to contain her anger. Ammsa easily overpowered Keiros and dragged her through the burning forests and brought her to Mount Tambes. As she is dragged away she cries out for anyone to save her, Ammsa slapped her till she grew quiet. She then called upon the Magma Elementals from beneath the Pool of Ashes and ordered them to imprison Keiros beneath Mount Tambes for all eternity.   

Physical Form

Taking after her mother, Keiros has ember red hair that flows down her back reaching to her waist. Her red nails stand out against hands scorched but not burnt from the fires she wields. Her tanned skin is lighter than her mothers but resembles her fathers as the darkness within tries to escape. Her eyes are hazel with a darkness ever growing behind them. She wears a red dress that is clean of any ash and matches the hue of her hair. She walks barefoot but with every step sparks can be seen trailing her. Around her neck hangs a neckless with a single black stone similar to her fathers crown.    


Keiros was beloved by her father and oftem complimented her for her beauty and resemblance to her mother. Although weaker than her brother, Reknis often pushed her to keep trying and instilled in her a desire to constantly grow stronger.
Keiros was loved by her mother and often spent decades together exploring and destroying all manners of things throughout the world. Their bond was unbreakable and its said that the cries of Esnis can be heard throughout the Gloomy Sea as she cries out for her daughter.      

Pantheon of Darkness


"The Infernal"
"The Embodiment of Hellfire"
Physical Realm
Current Residence
Trapped beneath Mount Tambes
Aligned Organization


Reknis, the Embodiment of Darkness
Esnis, The Embodiment Of Destruction


Valaros, The Embidoment Of Chaos

Cover image: by piotrdura


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