Daughters of Eve Organization in The Great Lakes Wastelands | World Anvil
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Daughters of Eve

"After the bombs, the truth became clear. There was a sickness poisoning the land. The sickness is known as Men. Our Mother, Mother Eve, gave her daughters the skills, the tools, the knowledge, to heal the earth. We must continue to heal the world around us, but we must never trust the plague known as Man," Mother Superior Rose.
The Daughters of Eve are a coven of warrior women dedicated to healing the earth, passing knowledge from before The Great War, and the absolute distrust of men. Founded by a woman named Eve before the war, the Daughters of Eve believe that the cause of The Great War was centered on the toxicity of masculinity as well as the cancer of capitalism. Men are to be considered a threat and an enemy.    The distrust of men goes as far as banning all trade with men. On more than one occasion, the Daughters of Eve allowed men be killed by monsters of the wastelands at their door step. However, the Daughters of Eve believe all women have a right to join their ranks - regardless race, age, religion, or gender assigned at birth. In fact, The Daughters of Eve have an elite squad of warriors that travel out to the wasteland to free any woman that may be imprisoned by a man.


The Daughters of Eve are lead by a Mother Superior. Currently, they are lead by Mother Superior Rose - a former Brotherhood of Steel paladin.   The Daughters of Eve have multiple "schools" - sectors that specialize in one particular area of study. Overall, there are 12 schools. School of War, School of Medicine, School of Art, School of Agriculture, School of Engineering, School of Philosophy, School of Music, School of Psychology, School of Robotics, School of Radiation, School of Scavenging, and the School of Liberation.


The Daughters of Eve are a warrior coven of women and have based themselves off of the myths of The Amazons of Ancient Greece, the warrior women of Dahomey, and the legends of Joan of Arc.


The Daughters of Eve have created a base of operation out of the ruins of Lambo Stadium in Green Bay, Wisconsin. This town is known through the wastes as Eden. Its greatest defense are the high walls of the former football stadium. Over the years, The Daughters of Eve have gathered weapons and armor from the men they have conquered - do not be surprised when you see repurposed Brotherhood Power Armor. The large grounds of Eden allow for the city to have a farm, an artificial lake, and training grounds.
Founding Date
Religious, Coven

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