Sarvari, the Purple Smoke Character in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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Sarvari, the Purple Smoke

The Great Mage Sarvari Malaki (a.k.a. The Purple Smoke)

Divine Domains

The Purple Smoke is a god of the domain of knowledge, for she was the true master of magic, unlocking many of its secrets and passing her knowledge down for the future, then becoming a god upon death through her mastery of the flow of her soul.

Holy Books & Codes

The followers of the Purple Smoke have five simple tenets to follow, its a code all wizards learn.   1. Be forever curious, and the world's secrets shall be unlocked   2. Follow the flow of magic, so one can truly become a master of it   3. Never fear to share your knowledge, for the benefit of more than one is benefit to all   4. Risks are how one moves forward in life, so never fear them   5. Respect the flow, and it shall be your greatest tool

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of the god is that of a purple smoke cloud, with a bright white star in the center

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The goal of the Purple Smoke is to further expand the mortal collective knowledge of the flow of magic and how to manipulate it, learning how to use it in different ways and to different effects.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sarvari was born much like her emperor, in a small tribe with no special circumstances to her birth. However, at a young age, it became obvious that she was talented in learning how to manipulate her soul to different effects. From a young age, she had taught herself how to manipulate fire energy to various effects, and it was through this, that the Golden Dragon himself discovered her when he had travelled upon a diplomatic mission to the tiefling tribes. Instantly impressed by her incredible talent, he took her and her tribe into Gatherlak, as to help teach Savari all the knowledge she could learn, for she could lead to a golden age of magic   Indeed she did, for she quickly swallowed up all the knowledge that the great libraries had to offer, and swiftly learnt to use the tools at her disposal. For the next half century, she would help not only to create the techniques now primarily used for already established magic schools, but also helped pioneer and create systems for herself. She helped create the circle of elements, which describes the relationships certain soul manipulation can have with each other, creating new and exciting magic. She helped found schools of magic, such as the vibra school, which focuses on the use of vibrations that one can push from one's body to find out where things are or the size of objects or even to cause internal damage, and the rift school, which focuses on the creation of rifts through the flow of magic to create portals to various places.   The rift magic however, turned out to be Sarvari's downfall, as when she attempted to create a portal to a theorized other dimension, it led to her being torn apart, and dying. Since then, she has become a near divine figure when it comes to magic, as her wisdom and powers helped shape magic for mortals forever.


Mehena, Magi of Lelum, the 2nd

Pupil (Vital)

Towards Sarvari, the Purple Smoke



Sarvari, the Purple Smoke

Mentor (Vital)

Towards Mehena, Magi of Lelum, the 2nd



Divine Classification
The God Of Magic
100 BD 38 BD 62 years old
Deep purple
Long pitch black hair reaching below shoulders
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark crimson red
173 cm
50 kg

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