Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th Character in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th

Megren Kulsavas (a.k.a. The Tamer of the Wild)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The 8th child of the Golden Dragon and Bronze Queen, Megren, who even has a child was fascinated with animals. Before she could even properly walk, she would already start chasing around different birds, insects, and other animals that lived in the palace. She would never hurt them, she would simply study them with her child like wonder, and gently hold them in her silver hands. She was curious yet gentle and kind to the animals she studied, something her mother would help teach him.   Few were suprised when she became interested in the study of animals and living things when she grew up. She would constantly want to leave the city to explorer the wild, study animals she would find, and write as much information as she could. She would end up being very influential in the study of the wild, as she would help give a greater image of a lot of the different animals that would find themselves in the empire.   As such, she would miss out on a lot of her education because of her trips to different corners and areas of the empire, such was her passion for animals and other wildlife. Despite this, or because of it perhaps, she would still become a decent mage, studying much in the same way as the druidic circles of the south and unlocking her flow of magic through her connection to nature, which would in turn help her greatly with connecting to animals. On top of this, it wasn't uncommon for her to tame animals, with the most famous example of this when she had tamed a drake and brought it back with her to the capital, to the fear and awe of many people.   Her travels would end up leading her to where she would end up be commanded to go, Nerlakia, and the great tribes of the hunt. An area infamous for their tough and brutal people, and their ability to tame wildlife, along with their deep connection to nature. Arriving there on her pet drake, she was quick to earn the people's respect, along with the great hunt masters, who would end up becoming her advisors in the future.   She would end up increasing the region's prosperity through improving their ability to hunt and tame animals, both so they could export the exotic meat and food that lived within, but also to trade these exotic animals to wealthy merchants and to cities. She would have his people to his back no matter what would happen, for the people of Nerlakia are nothing if not fierce.   Megren's attention would be swiftly pulled away from Nerlakia, as she quickly travelled back to Gatherlak, having heard of her father's declining body, as he was reaching his end. But when she arrived, she could smell the politics in the air, like a pungent smell, she was in a den of vipers. Whether she liked it or not, she had to play along if she wanted for her people to survive. Thus she did, and while she wasn't too successful, she helped many people focus onto Gargax, something that could be argued backfired on her in the Battle of the Beasts, but nevertheless.   As the emperor died, and the War broke out, Nerlakia would quickly show to the rest of the empire how ferocious they were, as they were quick to gain territory outside of their hunting ranges, and conquering a lot of land. This would be offset by the might of the Boven, but Nerlakia managed to hold onto a lot of their land. The silence would however affect the state greatly, as their lack of industry would make it hard for them to fulfill their basic needs. As such, they had to resort to trade to ensure their long term prosperity.   The time of the great hunt is coming soon, Megren will have to make the choice whether to finally attempt to regain her father's throne. There are news of Megren himself trying to teach people to tame the mighty draken, may all of us hope that they are not true.


To call Megrend an expert of animals is to sell him short, because she knows every small detail of most animals that live within the continent, from their mating seasons, to the length of their limbs. Her knowledge can at times be terrifying, but nevertheless she knows how to handle most animals, even having a thought process he goes through when she meets a animal she is not familiar with, and able to gather all sorts of information just by a look. Her education is other subjects in lacking, but thats primarily for a lack of interest and trying.

Mental Trauma

Something which Megrend admits himself, she sometimes prefers the company of animals or other wildlife to other beings, as she sometimes feels like she only says the wrong things and is unable to hold normal conversation without stepping on someone's toes.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

If one suggests to speak about wildlife with Megren, she will talk your ear off about everything she knows and would love to discuss it as much as she can, along with teaching people. Along with this, her other two favorite things to do all in the world is to spend time with her pets, and to go for walks with them or ride one of them and explore the landscape.   Thus, if there is one thing that she does incredibly dislike, is mistreatment or lack of respect for animals, from insulting to physically abusing it. Along with this, she has little for small talk, and prefers it if people didn't try to suck up to heer or flatter her too much.


Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Uadjit, king of Grenile, the 13th



Uadjit, king of Grenile, the 13th

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th



Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th


Towards Gargax, Emperor of Boven, the 11th


Gargax, Emperor of Boven, the 11th


Towards Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th


Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th



Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Brother (Important)

Towards Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th



Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th


Towards Zamiri, the Bronze Queen


Zamiri, the Bronze Queen


Towards Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th


Sethrek, Queen of Truvia, the 7th

Sister (Important)

Towards Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th



Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th

Sister (Important)

Towards Sethrek, Queen of Truvia, the 7th



Perra, Queen of Stetile, the 5th

Sister (Important)

Towards Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th



Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th

Sister (Important)

Towards Perra, Queen of Stetile, the 5th



Year of Birth
56 BD 129 Years old
Bright silver color
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver scales
198 cm
110 kg
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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