Hive Planet Geographic Location in The Galaxy | World Anvil

Hive Planet

Hive Planet is planet in the Orion's Belt that is of extreme scientific interest to human scientists. The majority of the planet's surface has been transformed into a massive hive by a species that can only be described as a hybrid of ants and spiders. The species is also very big, almost the size of a cow. It is currently unknown what is the species' level of intelligence and if they are sapient.


Most of the planet's ecosystem has been destroyed by the insectoid species which consumes everything it comes in contact with. Observations have revealed that cannibalism is quite common among them, especially when it comes to deceased specimen. Scientists speculate that the species has an urge to minimize waste and everything must serve a purpose to them.

The only parts of the planet where the original ecosystem can be observed are regions near the poles, including areas of what on Earth is called tundra. Those areas are very much Earth-like. The main theory about why the insectoid species hasn't spread to there is that it is too cold for them there. That theory can be supported by the fact that the peaks of the highest mountains are also free of the insectoids.

Security Measures

Thought sapience of the insectoid species is still an open question, the United Republic's government has implemented security measures in case the species is sapient and it would develop means of space travel. The species has been designated a potential threat to the Republic's security and human representatives in the Galactic Federation are lobbying to designate that species a threat to galactic security.

Currently active security measures include things like strict regulations on the study of the insectoid species. No Human is allowed to travel to the planet's surface. All such research must be conducted through remotely controlled probes. Additionally, taking any specimen of that species off the planet is forbidden.

There are also military measures. The local system patrol fleet is much stronger than other such fleets and is ready to bombard the Hive Planet in case the insectoids would try to leave the planet.

Location under
Inhabiting Species


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