Shock Compression Illness - The Space Bends Condition in The Delta Space | World Anvil

Shock Compression Illness - The Space Bends

What is Shock Compression Illness?

The Space Bends

Colloquially known as The Space Bends, Shock Compression Illness is a relatively uncommon condition that is related to taking too many interstellar jumps in a short time period. Shock Compression Illness is often fatal if the signs of its initial stages are ignored, or if safe travel protocol is not strictly adhered to. The illness is caused by the slight compression that occurs each time an interstellar jump is taken, if only one or two jumps are taken in a short amount of time side effects from this compression are minimal and often go unnoticed. However, this compression continues to compound if multiple jumps are taken beyond one or two back to back. Serious side effects caused by this compression can appear quickly and get much worse if ignored.    Side effects of the early stages of Shock Compression Illness include feelings of irritation and anxiety and tightness in the chest and muscles, this occurs after one to two jumps and passes quickly if ample time is given before another jump. But, if these signs are ignored and a third or fourth jump is taken in short time symptoms from nausea, blurred vision, painful muscle cramps, and brain fog will begin to occur. Even these symptoms will pass if jumps are immediately halted. However, if they are not, and additional jumps are taken there will likely be fatal consequences as the body panics due to the immense constriction pressure it has been subjected to. After so many jumps the body cannot take anymore and undergoes a sudden and violent collapse. The victim's blood vessels begin to burst, their muscles and bone begin to tear and crack, and their organs pop and collapse. Leading to a painful and often incredible bloody death, leaving gruesome and twisted corpses, floating in space inside suddenly quiet ships.  

Why does Interstellar Travel Cause Shock Compression Illness

Not much is known about the specifics of interstellar travel and why these effects happen, but medical specialists have their theories. First, a brief explanation of how interstellar travel is possible must be explained. These sorts of long-distance travel are only possible due to the creation of Probability Suspension Drive and Improbable Distance Drives, which are essentially the same technology they are just designed and manufactured by different companies.    These drives are space station-sized devices that when used in conjunction with a space ship opens up the possibility of long-distance jumps. They are supposedly powered by rare Abnormality Objects, that have been plugged into their cores. The original intent of these objects is not important, as they are only used for fuel. This power allows for the slight manipulation of time in space, which gets condensed to an enormous degree and then channelled through a specially designed device called a Probability Shifter that is installed in ships that are capable of long-distance travel. Upon release of this energy, ships are then catapulted immense distances in a short amount of time.   However, not all of this energy is able to be converted by the Probability Shifter, and some tend to leak out and affect those aboard the ship, slightly compressing all matter on the ship, including the crew. Over time and multiple jumps this compression compounds and increases, putting the body under more and more stress. If ample time is not given for the body to naturally expel this energy and decompress then symptoms of Shock Compression Illness may begin.

Prevention Technology

Luckily a new treatment has been developed to help ward off The Space Bends. Developed by the Hivemind Sentius Nanite Decompression Units, is a medicine that is injected straight into the bloodstream. Where the nanites then work to prevent the intense compression between jumps. But even this medicine is not perfect and no more than six jumps have ever been made within a short amount of time before death even with the use of the nanite cocktail. Much like other Hivemind Sentius services Nanite Decompression Units do not come cheap and have a hefty price tag.


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