Tion Item in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil


Tions are a group of common devices that utilize simple magic to perform common tasks. It includes things like a cooking stone(Hovern), a cooling rod (Ozor), a breezy orb (Arit). It also is used at times to describe larger devices such as levitors, floaters, audiors, and beacons.   They tend to exist is two predominant categories, perpetual and charged.  


Perpetual tions have an durable internal powering mechanism. This makes them far more expensive to build. These are common in many of the larger devices such as the levitors that power Cartaries or emergency beacons.  


Charged devices are often smaller things such as lights, hoverns, ozors etc. These are much more likely to be in homes. Historically they were routinely charged at stations with Mystic Engines. Today with the engines being down, there are local hedge wizards who work to charge the devices. Depending on the device and wizard, the charge will last anywhere from a week to a few years.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Almost universally the tions are constructed with a crystalline contained power source or capacitor and then the mechanism of action.

Example Devices


Wondrous Item, common, charged
These heating stones come in multiple sizes and heat ratings. Some are used to heat homes, some to cook foods like a hot plate, others for an oven. These are activated by saying the word heat, while touching a designated design on the stone, and they turn off by saying the words "Hovern off" while you are close to the stone. When charged the device will function actively for a month.   Charging takes an energy point from a mystic engine or a 1st level spell.  


Wondrous Item, common, charged
These cooling rods come in multiple sizes and chill ratings. Some are used to cool homes, some to freeze foods. These are activated by saying the word cool, while touching a designated design on the stone, and they turn off by saying the word off while touching the same design. When charged the device will function actively for a month.   Charging takes an energy point from a mystic engine or a 1st level spell.  


Wondrous Item, common, charged
These are voice projectors, increasing the voice's range and volume. They function by touching a symbol and speaking towards the device. When charged the device will function actively for a day.   Charging takes no energy points from a mystic engine or a cantrip.  


Wondrous Item, common, perpetual
These are devices that lift things. Some are used as elevators or lifts, others are used similar to cranes. Simple versions merely have basic controls usable by anyone, complicated cranes however require some magical aptitude to control.  

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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