Baenan Festival Tradition / Ritual in The Bridging Lands | World Anvil
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Baenan Festival

Baenan Festival is a joyful historical holiday celebrated on 13th Drablen. It commemorates the end of the Siege of Eastpeak. It is not celebrated much outside of that Free City but within its territories, the celebrations last for an entire week. Traditionally, it will include food-based competitions (both eating and cooking), theatre productions, music and singing. Over the last few years, the Council has also started to put on a magical fireworks display to mark the end of the celebrations.


The Blanchard Dynasty  sought to make an example of Eastpeak as rebels in the area were disrupting the supply lines going to the frontlines. On 19th Vrublen 1706, Blanchian forces laid siege to the city, blocking all attempts to enter of leave and refusing to let food into the city until the rebels gave themselves up. The city received illicit supplies from the mountains with the help of the citizen from Eaglehaven and Wolfreach. The siege lasted until 13th Drablen of that same year, when a goblin horde bribed by members of the High Reaches Clans to attack the Blanchian Troops ahead of a joint assault by Zodos and Holafiel forces.


The Festival is hosted every year. Traditions include both private and public parties, theatrical productions, music and singing, and much eating and drinking. The City's council will usually have a few major public events planned but most of the congregations will be organised and managed by the local communities. Many cooks and chefs will descend on the City to sell their wares and to take part in culinary battles, where the communities will taste and judge the dishes offered.
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