Parlov Indus Character in Terraloga | World Anvil
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Parlov Indus (Par-loaf In-dust)

Supervisor Parlov Gaius Indus

Since the name of the Adviser of Wisdom came in full power, the Indus Family has always been the lead of the Valonian's education and science. Although their descendants ain't secure such title like they used to, the institute are always their workplace and their home. However, they work in a separated department, never interrupting the duties of the other six families without the help of advisers - especially the highest of them all, the Rarmon Dynasty.

Parlov, the son of Parlon, wasn't in that case. He was probably the closest man to the emperor Valus who gave hands during his undeserved downfall and the Valonian's darkest time as one halves of The Sacked. In peacetime, he could even asked him for help in person. For Valus, he had never seen Parlov as one of his arrogant cousins, but the best of the best buddy.

We can be friend forever!
Come! Let's play tagging!
— Young Parlov told to Valus at the door.

Physical Description

Body Features

Parlov is pretty lean. All he can pick are pens and chisels. However, his light hands allow him to write the wax writing and engraving even the tiniest gears.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Meet At the Door

It had been weeks since the fall of Valone. The Rarmons were annihilated. Krins arrived to take over the local businesses, spreading violences on them due to the hatred caused by their corrupted government. The Indus Family survived the obliteration but became crippled and infiltrated. The rival was finishing its job, and it was only amount of time to erase their entire culture.

In one of the middle of the night, somebody knocked the family's house. The young Parlov opened up and found out that the Rarmons were still alive, whose name struck with him since - Valus, the son of Ikanos

His estranged behaviours shaping by his homeless experience alienated Parlov at first, but as the time passed, both start to be familiar and eventually bond. They like to run around inside the house while no one or Krin guards presented. They even shared their dreams together - While Parlov wanted to get rid of the empire from the institute, Valus wanted to crush the empire and make the world in peace.

Therefore, both promised to crumble the empire together and took who should belonged.

Unleash the Violet Beast

Once they grew up, Parlov went on the mission to become the supervisor, in hope of using power to restructure the institute and get rid of Krins. While he was on break, he helped Valus' rebellion in secret under the basement of a famous pub. He help him gathering intelligence from the palace as well as the institute. He also taught Valus the way of monarch that left by the words of his family.

Then came a normal night in 20 BVE. Valus met him in person at his working room. He showed off the strange stone that Parlov had never seen. He aqquired from one of his mission that took months to find. It's purple, glowing in the dark, growing in the water, and able to explode. Valus thought it'd benefited the rebellion in one way or another.

He refused to do at first. He promise to help him everything, but one of them would not be a power crystal that would kill himself. However, such a powerful and magnificent object kept tempting his ambition trait to form a deal he couldn't decline.

Therefore, he promised to weaponize, manufacture, and crumble the empire with it.

You can wish him luck here >:D

Post War

In order to get our enemy information faster, we need more stronger vehicle. This thing here is the solution. *slap*
— Parlov Indus presenting Catas Mobile to the emperor, Valus

Parlov continued to work on extracting the power of the stone for the greater use. In 2 VE, he presented the Catas Mobile, the self-propelled iron wagons. Even though it was hard to make, it laid the foundation of the advanced mechanical engineering for the empire to the next level.

Sadly, like he always thought, he died in the fatal accident after the unintended explosion during one of the engine experiments, in 20 VE. This caused sorrow across the institute as well as deteriorated the emperor's mentality, who died five years later.

He was 60 years old.


It would be strange if he chose not to study at his family's estates. He graduated from Royal Research Academy and worked there until his death.


Just like his father, Parlon, Parlov was chosen to become the next leader of the institute known as the Supervisor. By being his father's assistant, then the possessor, and finally claimed the title in 3 BVE. For a short time, he also granted the rank of adviser, meaning he became the most powerful close to the emp - if only he acquired the senator.

As the supervisor, his job relied on managing the institute and his family, along with the advisor, who he received or sent advices to the emperor, even though he liked to come and talk with the emperor himself.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He successfully brought the myth of the stone into the reality - not directly, but using its byproducts. The result was Guns and Cannons.. In later years, he kept expending its knowledge by not using it to shoot the lead, but push the wheels.

Yes, he developed the Crystal Engine, a machine that propelled the locomotive of Valonian to somewhere no humans have done before.

Show spoiler

Not much rumors about it, but he might be the man who's responsible in designing the deep dungeon known as the Mine of Authority.

Mine of Authority
Geographic Location | Oct 8, 2021

Mental Trauma

Sometimes Parlov became too nervous, whenever he found out his effort would benefit noone, and thus justified them as the waste of time. He might trashed the projects as soon as he though so.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

He always willing to help if you asked the emperor, which is not for the the truth. In fact, his good leadership not only led to the groundbreaking inventions, but also produced the best pupils of his generations, who would continue his work for the rest of time.


He never clean-up his desk where he work on, though he usually clean himself everyday.


Contacts & Relations

He had a great relationship with Valus I. Without him the royal throne would fall and his vengeance on the Empire of Kritus won't succeed. While Valus helped developing strategies and recruitment, Parlov himself helped developing gears and weapons.

Family Ties

He was born in 40 BVE out of the Indus Family, one of the six aristocrats families on the Valonian's government, who specializes in education and science. He's the son of Parlon, and he has one sister, Novia, who became Valus' wife.

Social Aptitude

The supervisor Parlov always confident while speaking to his crew.

Hobbies & Pets

He always stargazing after work.


Although your work are boring, but it can't be done by itself without good leadership, no matter if you have crews or not.
— Parlov Indus


Parlov Indus


Towards Valus I



Valus I


Towards Parlov Indus



Relationship Reasoning

At some time during the king's lowest time, Indus family invited him to live with. the family's latest child, Parlov, became his best friend.

Honorary & Occupational Titles

As the leader of the Royal Research Academy, he was known as the Supervisor, which only his family could recieve. He work alongside the Advisor of Science, the elected advisers of the emperor, to operate the institute as well as supervise their activity such as doing on contacts and mentoring. He had helped 4 advisors during his lifetime.

40 BVE 20 VE 60 years old
Circumstances of Death
Fatal Accident
Dark Blue
1.60 m
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Plots
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
He look like that emperor from Monty Python's Life of Brian.

Parlov is involved in the following stories: Wrath of the Power Stone


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Author's Notes

My entry for the Treasured Companions Challenge!
Original Creation Date: 21 Jan, 2019

13/1/2024 - Post-challenge edit: Added bloodline, family section, and more tags
6/2/2024 - minor edit

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