Biohacked Condition in Tanari | World Anvil


Concept by Xyrolia Stormbringer   Written and Edited by WolfMoonStudio
Their eyes were all freaking glossed over. They moved and spoke in perfect goddamn synchronization. The way they just freaking stared at me gives me the creeps to this damn day.
— Detective's response when asked about his experience biohacked creatures
Biohacked creatures. Their eyes are glossed over and smooth, they move in an unnatural, jerkish way. If they can speak, they all speak in unison, an even, malevolent drone that will shake even the bravest of men down to the bone. Cause when you here your two best friends speaking in unison saying "We have been welcomed by The Denmother, join us and we may be one." Well lets just say, that's the moment when you lose your shit.

Transmission & Vectors

The Denmother can "hack" into a sentient creatures brain and control them. A Biohacked creature gains the ability to Biohack into another creature puncturing their brain and modifying the chip and augmentations inside of it.


The condition is caused by the Denmother or another Biohacked creature gaining access to a sentient creatures brain and shutting down unnecessary neurological pathways to make them obedient.


A Biohacked creature eyes turn glossy after a week of being Biohacked. Symptoms before that include a fever, some minor diseases and infections, immune system weakening, loss of intelligence and ability to do basic functions such as speak, blink, caugh, laugh, etc. Extreme cases include hallucinations of the Iron Net similar to those which plague people who start to gain Code Walking. Victims may think they here a motherly voice calling them and trying to lure them into the depths of their mind and reality.


Currently the only way to stop a Biohacked creature is by killing them. A scientist attempted to find a way to cure a Biohacked creature by reconstructing the damaged neurological pathways in their brain. Unfortunately this scientist was Biohacked during their studies and died.


Significant loss of sentience is a guaranteed result of this condition, if you even make it to that point. The process to lose sentience takes weeks and during those weeks many basic functions are removed and the fatality chance is very high.
Chronic, Acquired


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