Shiloh Marris Character in Tales from the Rookery | World Anvil

Shiloh Marris

Shiloh Marris grew up with everything. She was the favored daughter of a media mogul. She lacked for nothing, and was spoiled rotten. Her family doted on her and adored her. Not just with the gifts, but also attention and time. She was the late in life child of an older man and a much younger mother.   Shiloh went to all the best schools and she loved learning. She was accepted by those around her and lived a fairy tale life wanting for nothing.   When she was 22, and has just graduated from Harvard with a degree in Psychology, she got the call that her parents had been killed in a freak accident. That was when the predators began to circle and her fairy tale life hadn't included an education in what do to when those you thought were family friends began to tear away at your life.   Within two years she was destitute. She had her education and that was about it. They had taken everything, her dad's business, the family home, the cars, the jewels, the art...everything was gone. As her wealth decreased her friends deserted her as well. She hit rock bottom. She didn't stay there.   One night, in her studio apartment in a suburb of Chicago, where she was desperately searching for a job before her money ran out, she snapped. She was simply not going to allow this. She was going to get every last stitch back. Period. It would all be hers. She began counseling at the public health clinic to make ends meet. She was getting by and trying to formulate a plan when her magic awoke. She discovered that she could subtly shift people's moods. She could make them like, or dislike her. She could cheer them up or bring them down. She didn't need to touch them, she only needed for them to listen.   So began her plan to reclaim what was hers.


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