Elkreld Islands Geographic Location in Talthei | World Anvil

Elkreld Islands


The Elkreld Islands are extremely sandy, with only some scrub, salt grasses, and a few particularly-sturdy trees as natural life. Gently sloping hills comprise the main island, with the surrounding islands generally either flat, sandy pieces of land or rocky structures rising from the blue-green waters surrounding them.   There are four small springs on the primary island, two of which have small settlements built around them.

Fauna & Flora

Many of the organisms of the Elkreld Islands are specialized towards life entwined with the oceans. Most of the fauna on the island is able to get by on salt water with specialized organs to shunt the excess minerals out through their excretory systems. Adaptations for fishing are also common in the creatures who have called the islands home, such as birds with a water skimming hunting strategy or trap-crabs who set up makeshift "algae farms" by scraping rocks to provide good surfaces for microbial and plant growth onto the stones.

Natural Resources

The most obvious resources to be found are the four freshwater springs that dot the primary island. These are vital sites for any non-native visitors to the island as the only other sources of freshwater are rain-catchers and water distilled from the sea to remove salt and other minerals.    The salt grass that grows on the islands are also vital to the full-time settlements that call the islands their home. The grass, when boiled, takes on a strong, silky texture that lends itself well towards fibercraft. Clothing made from the grass also don't wear down as quickly from exposure to the salty air, allowing for a longer useful period.


The Elkreld Islands are not home to much recreational tourism. Instead, there is a surprisingly regular stream of visitor to the hermitages of the two monastic orders that make the Elkreld Islands their home.   Visitors generally spend a great deal of time walking around the barren islands and silently meditating. Depending on which organization the person has come to visit, this may be followed up with fasting or communal meals and brainstorming.
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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