Valenti Hagin Character in Spirit of the Age | World Anvil

Valenti Hagin

The lord of Soterum, Valenti Hagin rules over a modest region of southern Rovs. Though elected magistrate by the Vanrovsan Rada for Soterum, he has since surrendered the region to the Palatines, who have chosen to keep him in post. Though he has turned coat twice in 5 years, his position is so far untouched and may perhaps even be stronger than it was before the Rovsan rebellion, though time will tell if it will last.


The Hagin family had long been influential in Soterum, and Valenti himself was heir to substantial land wealth. Since inheriting the Hagin holdings, the Palatines have recognized him as the major local magnate around Soterum, and among the Rovs he held the title of lord. Still, Rovs was mostly considered a backwater of an already declining empire, so Hagin's activities did not garner much note.


When the lords of the Rada began to plot, Hagin was cautiously invited into their number because Soterum was considered historic Rovsan land. He brought Soterum into the Vanrovsan Rada, and when the freeholders of Soterum who had previously been his subjects were called up to vote, they named him their magistrate. However, Soterum's position was precarious compared to most of the Rovs, as it was the first settlement in Rovs on the road from Atrans, and when the Palatines came to take back control, they would fall upon Soterum first.


Hagin thus surrendered to the Palatine army. The exact terms are unknown, but Hagin continues to rule in the area as lord and magistrate, and the Palatine army has settled in the old military district built for them long ago. Far from becoming the primary battleground for Rovsan independence, Hagin's actions have moved the front deeper into Rovs, and spared most of his power base. However, the rest of the Vanrovsan Rada have seen this as a betrayal, and should they win may not be kind to him in the future.

Current Location
Year of Birth
469 43 Years old

Character Portrait image: by Midjourney


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Aug 3, 2023 17:54 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I think Valenti might need to watch his back!