The Lambent Eye of Lixel Character in Sortex | World Anvil

The Lambent Eye of Lixel

The Lambent Eye of Lixel (a.k.a. Lamb)

I suppose it is a little naughty of me to write an autobiography, but must not all things be documented somehow?
The Lambent Eye of Lixel is one of the few Lambent Eyes that drift through the Ether.
Although it was not born in Lixel, it has adopted the universe as its own and often convenes with its inhabitants, many of them human.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Although consisting of only the singular eye, it often appears to faintly smiling, which is perhaps the most easily identifiable feature of the Lambent Eye of Lixel.

Personality Characteristics


The Lambent Eye of Lixel views its purpose of existence to
Current Location
One eye, flicking and lighting up in various colours, often brown
Black eyelashes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pure white, faintly glowing


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