Alohr, God Of Secrecy, Undeath and Forbidden Knowledge Character in Sitagus | World Anvil
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Alohr, God Of Secrecy, Undeath and Forbidden Knowledge (A-Lore)

Titles: The Blight King, Lord of Undeath, The Secret Keeper
Gender: Masculine
Holy Symbol: A Bull Skull atop a Pile of Skulls
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Cleric Alignments: Any Neutral or Evil Alignment
Portfolio: Forbidden Knowledge, Death, Undeath, Secrets, Magic, Occult
Domains: Arcana, Death, Grave, Knowledge, Undeath
Godly Weapon: The Spear Of Midnight
Favoured Weapon: Daggers, Sickles, and Scythes
Appearance: A tall, moderately muscular, anthropomorphic animal-like humanoid figure with a bull skull for a head and large black horns. A large black mane drops down from the back of the skull with flecks of red appearing randomly on the tips of the mains. The same red appears from the chest of the figure like it is spreading outwards from the sternum. Its arms are moderately muscular with tridactyl hands with razor-sharp claws. Its legs are similar to horse legs being fairly large and muscular with it seeming to be the most muscular part of its body and Its legs end in hooves.
  Home Plane: Shadowfell
Realm: The Crypts of Lost Knowledge
Backstory: During the event known as the Great Pantheon Shift, Alohr was one born from the pools of darkness scattered in the Shadowfell using the energy of the event to form and claim power over undeath due to the plane’s connection to these forces. He explored the plane only to create an area known now as the Crypts of Lost Knowledge where he secluded himself in it and populated his libraries with the forbidden knowledge from the material plane and the other planes. Among his conquests for Knowledge that is forbidden, he has claimed the Book of Vile Darkness as well as the ritual which allows one to ascend to godhood which are prizes of his collection.
  Allies And Enemies:
Alohr will often butt heads with Belan when they encounter each other in the wild, sometimes even escalating to heated brawls often causing supreme damage.
Koen and Nyrera are against his influence when undeath is involved due to their connection to death and Koen connection with life. They will send a moderate amount of resistance to any of his efforts that involve undeath. Imos is the most problematic to Alohr and his followers. Imos has a problem with Alohr both with his confiscation of knowledge from the world and with his mass collection of knowledge, he shouldn’t have or be teaching. Imos will often send their followers to stop the followers of Alohr, often raiding Alohr’s groups and gatherings, killing all those in attendance. This has caused the followers of Alohr to only gather in small groups if any at all, often being solitary in their practices.
Mythial will be contracted by Alohr to get the most impossible knowledge to obtain due to her natural skill with black operations. Sometimes she will extort more out from him for her services and the delivery of the knowledge which Alohr doesn’t pay much heed to the raised prices often just paying her more outright.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Death, Grave, Knowledge, Undeath


Spear of Midnight: a metaphysical weapon that manifests as a shadowy glaive. The spear is almost impossible to perceive with the naked eye, its outline only faintly visible due to the dark energy that swirls around it. This visual ambiguity is lifted for those with Detect Magic or Truesight, to whom its form is clearly revealed. At the spear's core, a gem of solid shadow pulsates with ominous energy. Its weight is impossibly light, making it an effortless extension of the wielder's will. This spear is not just a weapon but a conduit of negative cosmic energy. It has the ability to pierce both the physical and spiritual bodies of its targets. It can transcend even the barriers between mirror planes such as the Ethereal Plane, Shadowfell, or Feywild, allowing attacks without setting foot on the Material Plane. When it strikes, it not only deals Necrotic and magical force damage but also infects the target's natural energy (Ki), initiating a soul-harvesting process over time. The weapon's near-invisibility makes it exceedingly difficult for opponents to anticipate its strikes.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Lost Secrets: This isn't just a book but a compendium of knowledge constantly updated by Alohr's most trusted archivists. The book is not written but whispered and burnt into the minds of the most devoted, a litany of secrets, rituals, and dark incantations that echo in the minds of his followers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol: A Bull Skull atop a Pile of Skulls

Tenets of Faith

Dogma, Clergy And Temples: Those who follow Alohr do not gather in great temples or large gatherings. The followers of Alohr will often act alone though some will form a small group. Alohr followers are only tasked with finding knowledge that is forbidden, collecting it and sending it off to Alohr himself. Following this, Alohr will grant powers to those he deems worthy. Some of his followers are even granted bits of the forbidden knowledge Alohr has collected to learn and use in their endeavours. Followers granted powers will often use undead to further their progress in serving Alohr.
  Unlike gods of community and communion, Alohr encourages a solitary, relentless quest for forbidden knowledge. Temples to Alohr aren't vast cathedrals but rather hidden enclaves, often tucked deep within ancient libraries, forgotten crypts, or even pocket dimensions. These enclaves are filled with dark artifacts, forbidden tomes, and eldritch symbols. The interior walls might be lined with shelves full of books bound in unsettling materials, each tome containing knowledge that could shake the world's understanding of magic, life, and death.
  Death Knights of Alohr:
The Death Knights of Alohr are a fearsome order, dedicated to carrying out the divine will of the god of secrecy, undeath, and forbidden knowledge. Unlike conventional paladins who champion causes of good and order, the Death Knights walk the thin line between evil and necessity, ever faithful to Alohr's tenets. Skilled in necromancy and shadow magic, these paladins are more than capable of raising legions of undead to serve their cause.
  Upon initiation, each Death Knight undergoes a ritual known as "The Embrace of the Shadows," wherein they enter a trance-like state and allow the Shadowfell's energy to infuse their being. This ritual imbues them with the ability to harness the powers of necromancy in service to their god. The initiation ritual is usually conducted in one of the hidden sanctuaries devoted to Alohr, far from prying eyes.
  Notably, each Death Knight bears a piece of a shattered soul gem, embedded into their armor. This acts as both a conduit for their necromantic magic and a link to Alohr. The fragment grows in luminosity and potency as they ascend through the ranks, serving as a visual representation of their devotion and power. While they may appear malevolent, the Death Knights consider their actions a grim necessity for the pursuit of knowledge and the control of forces most mortals can scarcely comprehend.
  Tenets of Faith:
Sacred Secrecy: The conviction that some truths must be kept hidden, revealed only to the worthy.
Balance of Life and Death: The belief that life and death are two sides of the same coin, to be respected and balanced.
Guardianship of the Unknown: The duty to protect the boundaries between the mortal realm and that which lies beyond.
  Clerical Ranks:
Collector: These are the initiates, responsible for gathering dark artifacts and forbidden scrolls. They are often sent on dangerous missions to prove their worth.
Scavenger of Secrets: This rank is given to those who have proven their skill in acquiring difficult-to-obtain knowledge and have shown loyalty to Alohr. They may also begin to dabble in necromantic arts.
Keeper of the Forbidden: Entrusted with the most dangerous knowledge and spells, Keepers are responsible for guarding the temple's deepest vaults and secret libraries. They also mentor Collectors and Scavengers.
The Lord’s Archivist: This title is held by only a few, who are directly in contact with Alohr. They are tasked with archiving newly acquired knowledge and maintaining the library of forbidden secrets.
High Archivist of Alohr: The leader of Alohr’s mortal following, responsible for the overall direction of the clergy and accountable only to Alohr himself. This position is more political, dealing with the god’s alliances and threats.
  Ranking System: Clerics of Alohr signify their rank through arcane tattoos that grow in complexity as they ascend the hierarchy. Starting from a simple wrist rune for Collectors, the tattoos expand and become more intricate, culminating in a full cranial design for the High Archivist of Alohr.
  Collector: A simple, single-line rune tattooed on the inside of the wrist.
Scavenger of Secrets: Additional lines branching from the initial rune, now extending up the forearm.
Keeper of The Forbidden: A full sleeve of interconnected arcane symbols, each one representing a piece of forbidden knowledge.
The Lord’s Archivist: The tattoos extend across the chest, back, and the other arm. A particularly intricate design appears over the heart, signifying their deep commitment.
High Archivist of Alohr: The markings culminate in a large, elaborate design that runs from the base of the neck, up and over the head, ending at the other side of the neck. This design incorporates elements of all the previous tattoos and is the most complex of them all.


Great Mass of Undeath: Held during the darkest night of the year, this is when the boundary between the Material Plane and the Shadowfell is the thinnest. Followers gather around key leylines to perform complex rituals, raising undead and sending them into the world as a tribute to Alohr. It’s also a time when new dark artifacts are presented and stored within the temples.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Alohr's Known Goals: "To acquire and hoard arcane knowledge deemed too dangerous or volatile for mortals, to manipulate the balance of power among the gods and the cosmic forces, to plunge multiple planes of existence into a state of perpetual shadow, and to preserve the sanctity of the Shadowfell against any who would seek to defile it."
  Alohr's Hidden Goals: "To enact a grand arcane ritual in the depths of the Crypts of Lost Knowledge, unveiling all concealed knowledge across the planes, making it accessible solely to him and his chosen few. In accomplishing this feat, he aims to gain unparalleled control over the fabric of magic and life, solidifying his divine authority throughout all of existence."
Divine Classification
Greater Deity


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