The Sultan's Code Document in Sands of Saraya | World Anvil

The Sultan's Code

Before this agreement was established, Gorgoth was a constant battleground in the wide open. Now, it is more a political battlefield, or at least, disputes between the Sultans are no longer handled in open combat. Without it, Gorgoth could never have thrived and made such an impact on the surrounding desert and even Saraya as a whole.

Document Structure


The code establishes a number of guidelines for all Sultans present and future, and listed below are the most important ones. Any act in opposition of any of the following is grounds for the benefits of this code to be removed for the offending Sultan.
  • No Sultan may intentionally harm, or cause damage to property of, including slaves belonging to, - or otherwise order or cause their servants or slaves to do such acts in their stead - other Sultans while between the walls of the canyon that the city of Gorgoth resides in. 
  • Any act of a Sultan or their servants or slaves committed outside the canyon is considered permissible as long as it does not block or otherwise impede another Sultan or their servants or slaves from entering or leaving the city.

Historical Details


A long time ago Gorgoth was but a brief shelter from the sun for travellers weary of travel, but willing to brave the dangers of the local folk. As time wore on the culture blackened to one ruled by monsters, both literally and figuratively, that took advantage of their power to lay claim to any parts of the canyon they so wished. Soon, the whole settlement began to fall apart, with the slaves each character had captured being thrown at each other as fodder, plague and uprisings were commonplace.   This was until the Sultan's Code was established. No common person recalls who the initial signatories were, though both the Lion and the Ash-Marshal boast of having been there at the beginning, but their decision has stood the test of time and shaped the sands about the Valley of Tears ever since.


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