Ramuna Character in Samthô | World Anvil
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General introduction

Ramuna is probably the oldest living being in Samthô, if the state she is in can be called 'living' at all. She used to be a mighty sorceress at the end of the Era of the Trees. She belonged tp the Asargam people and with her strong inclination to magic was a member of the Order of the Five Sages. Now she is bound a ring, called Ramuna's Will, that guides the fates of some of the mighty in Samthô. It is not known, where exactly she or the ring is, but considering current events she is most likely to be found in eastern Erana.

Family background and personal history

Not much of Ramunas life is known to people today. This is due to the Great Scorching, which erased almost all sources and traces of Asargam and its people and their individual accomplishments, but it is also due to Ramunas diligent work on veiling or extinguishing all traces of her being and workings.

Fact is, that she was born about fifty years before the Great Scorching. Her parents were both of Asargam descent, but their names are unknown. They must have been rich enough to afford sending Ramuna to an academy of the arcane, so she could refine her natural inclination to magic through her education. She seemed to have been exceptional in some way, because she soon got into service for the emperor, although the exact position is unknown. At the height of her career she was appointed to become a member of the Order of the Five Sages, the most prestigious and high ranking association of magic users in the Asargam Empire.

Ramuna in the Order of the Five Sages

As member of the Order of the Five Sages she had access to the best research on magic available at that time and, as a matter of fact, even to this day. Ramuna was a masterful enchantress and well versed in the theories of magical items. Her works greatly contributed in the making of the crystals that allowed the Vimãna to fly and she also went to Murahisi twice to research local materials that where more readily to be used as carriers for enchantmens.

While she was a good theoretician, she was not a good craftswoman. For that reason she manipulated her fellow member of the order, Narun, a masterful elemental weaver, to produce a ring made of urnarit and select parts of her body, each of which was imbued with one special aspect of her personality. When the Great Scorching happened, her body died, but she was absorbed into the ring, that she was bound to. This feat saved her from being eradicated like the rest of Asargam and its people.

Ramuna after the Great Scorching

The ring, which is colloquially known as Ramuna's Will, is in itself not especially powerful. Ramuna put very basic, yet for her purposes useful enchantments on it. The fact these enchantments still work relatively well and have only slightly been worn down by time show the level of skill she had achieved best.

The ring is her vessel, but she needs a conduit, that is a wearer of the ring. On mysterious ways the ring always fund a way on someones hands and that someone related her thoughts to the rich and powerful all across Samthô. She uses her skills and her knowledge to guide the fates od individuals and countries alike.

The Great Scorching was her greatest personal trauma. Having experienced the gods' wrath first hand, she now does everything in her power to prevent to much power to gather in one place, which could revert the gods' attention towards that accumulation of power again and lead to mass destruction, chaos and loss again. She strives endlessly to change the course of the world, for better or worse and follows her own ideals with no regard for others.

At the moment she is working in the triangle between Duiniken, Tarrabaenians and Messellat Mdûlûn, the currently strongest powers on Samthô, manipulating them into not conquering one another, but rather to weaken each other or get weakened by their other neighbours, as to not amass to much power.



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