The Black Horn and Mt. Horen. Myth in Renúdetla | World Anvil

The Black Horn and Mt. Horen.

The historical accounts of the affect of the Black Horn of Horen on Mt. Horen during the Granem Mountain Festival have led many to believe that the horn possesses the ability to awaken the Great Mountain Spirit who dwells there.


The Horn was lost with the collapse of the city-state Ünterhall and despite many attempts to recover its location over the centuries, none have ever been successful. Over the course of the third age, the stories of how the mountain would tremble under the horns blow spread throughout the kingdoms and empires. The belief came to be that the Granem people used the horn to ask the spirit for blessings of prosperity. If one were to find the horn today and blow it at the peak of Mr. Horen as the Granem once did, they would be able to awaken the mountain spirit who would bestow (typically) economic prosperity upon the blower.

Historical Basis

This basis of this myth lies in the irrefutable historical evidence that claims Mt. Horen shook at the sound of the horn with consistency, every time it was sounded. What is interesting to note, is that while the mountain quaked, there have never been any reports or depictions in art of any avalanche or damage incurred by the city of Ünterhall as a result. Many theorists point to this as further evidence that the city had the blessing of the mountain spirit.

Variations & Mutation

Further variations of this myth extrapolate further and declare that the Granem people somehow lost the blessing of the mountain spirit, or had angered it somehow, resulting in their extinction.
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