Diavna Character in Renúdetla | World Anvil


One of the first, great unbound spirits to venture into this world. His coming in shrouded in myth. Whether he came with companions, familial spirits, or alone is unknown. However, it is known that during the early years of Diavna's travels, he came upon a small group of foraging humans. With consideration to the opportunity at hand, Diavna made himself manifest to them as a great and powerful being. The group of humans gaped in wonder before felling to their knees to worship him as a god. Diavna declared that they were right to give him praise, and that he was indeed their god come to them at last. Diavna changed his form again to that of a man and blessed each of them in turn. The humans brought their newly found god back to their village, where they again showered him in offerings of grass baskets of nuts, berries, and meat, skins filled with fermented juice, intricately decorated pottery, and a crown woven of flowers. That night a great feast was held in his honor. This pleased Diavna who delighted in the ingenuity of the offerings of the lesser beings.   Diavna looked upon their meager village of grass huts, their tools and weapons of stone and wood and took pity on them. He stood from the feast and raised out his arms. A hush swept across the village and within moments, howls filled the air and glowing yellow eyes began to appear in the darkness just beyond the cusp of firelight. Six wolves materialized out of the darkness and walked snarling and snapping into the village. Several villagers cried out, but before their weapons were in their hands, Diavna closed both his hands and the wolves all sat in an instant, silent. Diavna opened his hands again and lowered them to his sides. As he did so, the wolves laid down in a row, eyes fixed on the god. Diavna then spoke to his followers, "I am Diavna the Creator, Master of the Unknown, The Great Protector." He gestured toward the subdued animals. "Behold a fraction of the power I wield. I can grant you and your children guidance, and protection through these troubled lands. All I ask in return, my only sacrifice is this; your continued worship. I will advice and watch over your people for generations untold, for the sake of your devotion."   A log in the feastfire gave a violent crack and showered the night sky with embers. The humans hardly spared a glace for one another before their eyes locked back into place on Diavna. A young man took a step toward Diavna and the fire that separate them and spoke.   "I am Rikthor, first hunter of our village. Our people have a history of hardship. We were expelled from our homeland generations ago by warring of great spirits. Now my tribe is fated to searth the earth for what remains of our people. We, and our children's children, would gladly give you our thanks and praise Diavna, Great Protector."   It was in this way that Diavna first established himself in the Northern region of the world, and gained influence with the human species.
Divine Classification
Great Spirit
Date of Birth


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