Fort Kamelot Building / Landmark in Poraile | World Anvil
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Fort Kamelot

We approached the ruins. In a fading time, it was home to all the virtues of men. The rain plagued our hearts with grief and drenched the supplies with misery.   Out here, hope had lost. On a miserable day in Galegash, the survivors were the dark clouds and the stone of Fort Kamelot. Crumbling on one side, inhabited on the other.   The hunter came abreast of me, "A sad place, is it not?" he roared over the wind, "Ironic how only when the whole kingdom's in the dust does the Round Table welcome all."   "Aye," I muttered, "But will it welcome us?"
    Fort Kamelot used to be the meeting place of the Knights of the Round Table and the legislative centre for the Kingdom of Camelot. Here, the King of Camelot would entertain guests and consult with his Knights on the affairs of the land.   At the Battle of Camlann, the castle fell into the hands of the usurper, Sir Mordred. When the Kingdom collapsed at the beginning of the 7th century, the capital city of the Council of Camelan  changed to Warmouth. With this change, Fort Kamelot was emptied of useful goods and left in squalor.   Absent of both its table and royal dignity, the Fort was left to crumble until the 11th century. With the country suffering from a recession and poor populations growing faster than ever, the locals restored the castle as much as they could. These legendary halls now serve as a hostel and shelter for the homeless, offering food and comfort to the most vulnerable. Travellers are asked to only make a small donation for its upkeep in return for a night's stay.

Purpose / Function

The first King of Camelot built the fortress to secure his foothold in the region, himself unable to use magic to send the same message. Over time, the Fort came to symbolise this authority within Camelan circles as well. It protected the kingdom's centre whilst also serving as a statement of power.   Despite the civil unrest following King Uther's demise, the castle has always served as a reminder of royal authority until the Battle of Camlann. It was taken by the forces of Sir Mordred and ruined in the ensuing counter-attack. When Arthur Pendragon breathed his last in the glades of Avalon, Kort Kamelot would never greet a King in its halls again.   The building's purpose changed upon the rise in poverty during the 11th century. Nostalgia for Camelot had taken root in the face of indecisive leadership and the rise of nobles' self interests. Following struggles to keep homeless off the streets, the fort was converted into a hostel for travellers and accommodation for the needy. The public approved of this change, seeing it as a continuation of the Round Table's  spirit of co-operation and equality.


Some of the architecture had rotted in the building's decline, since the older parts of the structure had been constructed from wood. With the renovations these areas were converted to stone and the old wood thrown away or preserved as wall decorations. Though these wooden parts of the fort have been replaced, other ruined areas are left as such, either because the budget for repairs is low or for symbolic reasons.


The structure was first built on a hill, entirely made from wood. However, before the castle was even invaded a recruit nearly set the whole fortification aflame and highlighted a vital weakness. Determined to remain in a world full of people and creatures capable of spitting fire on a whim, King Dederick instead had the structure made from stone. It took most of his reign for the Fort to be perfected, but no large-scale alterations were made to the building when it was still a fort.   With its centuries of neglect, Fort Kamelot needed a new lease of life. The traditional thatch was replaced with new roof tiles and proper windows were installed. The wreckage has been reassembled where possible, but some extensions and new foundations have been added to keep it stable. With the increase in use, there are plans to extend the church and medical facilities, as well as adding more rooms for temporary accommodation.


Fort Kamelot was built in 219, before the true foundation of the Kingdom of Camelot. Merlin, the wizard who sought to bring down the mage magiocracy of the time, assisted the king in his invasion efforts. By 223, the way was paved for the Kingdom's founding and future prosperity. The fort's name inspired the Kingdom to be called "Camelot", and they've shared a profound link ever since.   In the 15 years when the king was without a ruler, its quarters remained empty. Still searching for the rightful king, hope remained as long as Fort Kamelot stood firm on the horizon. With Arthur Pendragon's coronation, the castle became more potent with political power than ever, filled with promising knights and intrigue that's been documented centuries since.   Hope for the Kingdom's survival was extinguished when it was taken by the enemy in 537. When its king fell that same year, so did the castle. Neither could go on without the other. Its importance stripped from it, Fort Kamelot was once again empty. This time, instead of being a beacon of hope it crumbled into a symbol of despair - a eulogy for an era never to be seen again.


Those on a trip abroad will pay a large sum to stay in the "former house of King Arthur", unaware that he had his own private residence on the other side of town. Tourists are welcomed only for the donations they generate and generally seen as a nuisance otherwise.   There's always someone who wants to ascend the towers, enter the staff-only rooms or take a peek at Guinevere's old chambers. The old furniture has long been transferred to Warmouth or sold to museums and collectors, so the more entertaining possessions are no longer there. A wayward visitor could walk through the entirety of Fort Kamelot and be none the wiser it used to be the legendary meeting place of the Knights of the Round Table.   A popular request is to see the alleged painting that Lancelot drew on the walls of the room he was imprisoned in by Morgan le Fay, depicting him and Guinevere. If there were such a piece of artwork, it has been lost or destroyed. The lack of evidence doesn't stop the dreamers, who are content to believe the tragedies of the Kingdom of Camelot were all caused by a man, a woman and their forbidden desire for one another.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Castle Camelot, Camp Camelot, The Round Table
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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