Crab Brooch Item in Phasmatum | World Anvil

Crab Brooch

The Crab Brooch is a small brooch made of gold and fashioned into the shape of a crab. Each brooch has different colored jewels for the eyes which represents the rank of the wearer. Initates' brooches have white opal eyes, mid-level ranks have brown topaz eyes, and high-ranking priests have crabs with gold eyes.   Only men possess this brooch, most of whom live in various parts of Ginen region.   Those who wear the brooch are members of The New Leopard Society. A re-formed secret society based in Vodu tradition. They honor Leopard-King turned Loa patron Agassou, who they believed helped bring Vodu practices to Phasmatum, much in the way he carried them to Haiti. The motives of The New Leopard Society is shrouded, but it is generally believed that they are in possession of Agassou's Spear and Shield, which are purported to be one of the Legendary Items that was used to gather enough divine power to travel to Phasmatum.   The New Leopard Society chose the crab as the shape of the brooch to symbolize the crab that travelled with Agassou when he spread the message of Vodu. Many will also use this brooch to temporarily hold gifted or stolen lwa powers that they can use at a later time. Although typically only the highest-ranking members are able to control these powers with any precision.   In different cities, the way a person wears the crab brooch can symbolize certain messages as they pass each other on the streets. For example, if the crab is facing the person's heart, it means that there will be a meeting. If one of the crab's legs are pointing out, it means that they need to gather lwa power for a ceremony.   Kamaria possesses a crab brooch that is very similar to the New Leopard Society's brooch because her Met Tea Lwa is Agassou. Because the New Leopard Society is an all-male sect, they are upset to discover that Kamaria is in possession of this brooch and that she has a direct connection to Agassou.


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