Treatment to contrast seizures Technology / Science in Phaldorya (Eng) | World Anvil

Treatment to contrast seizures

For centuries on Phaldorya people has believed to the superstition that wanted seizure has a manifestation of the Gods, that possessing the body of the subject would cause it to shake violently with punishing intent. Because of this superstition it was common practice to secure with strong straps the subjects to a table, forcing in their mouth a stick, and wait for a spontaneous resolution that, more often than not, would not occur. Fatality were easily accepted as the will of the Gods, especially Morrigan was associated with seizures. In the recent years, the contact with the traditional medicine of Hintadu and Otadan, has granted some important notion transfer so the Blue Sisters have started to use combination of herbs to improve the odds of treatment.


The treatment is effective in reducing the strength and frequency of convusions, although sometimes it can cause deep sedation that sometimes can result fatal.


1 measure of Valeriana
2 measures of Mistletoe
1 measure of blue flower of Hintadu (scullcap)
1 measure of dried bulbs of Lily of the Valley
— Ethiel, chief herborist of the Blue Sisters
Access & Availability

Two of the herbs required in the process are very common in the east but they struggle to grow, unless very well cared, in the western regions. The other two herbs that were added later to improve the concoction by the experiments of the Blue sisters, are common in the west but rare in the east. In the complex they can be acquired at a fairly low cost from travelling merchants.


The technology to produce the treatment is fairly easy and only basic apothecary equipment is required. It can be produced using water as a base, but alcoholic bases seem to be more effective.


The Hintadu differently from western phaldoryans believed that seizures were caused by evil spirits, therefore they used concoctions based on some herbs considered a sacred gift of the "mother". This will sometimes alleviate the convulsions and the fever associated, although not fully effective they would improve the survavibility. Otadan were used to do something similar but, instead of produce the concoction from the fresh herb, they would extract the roots, clean it well from any trapped soil, make it dry to store it for longer term. The concoction was very similar but more powerful, and would be used as well to contrast self-induced seizure in rituals to commune with the spirits. During the war in the east some soldiers would get seizures because of the soaring heat and be treated, if they were lucky with the eastern medicine, if not with the western traditional treatment. When it became clear that the eastern treatment improved a lot the chance to survive, it started to make his way toward the west in anedoctes and memories.


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Jul 13, 2021 13:23 by Avalon Arcana

I like the added culture of where the people believe seizures come from, its a nice touch :)

You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
Jul 13, 2021 23:58 by Time Bender

Dang, that's really rough if you get a seizure and your fellow people believe that you're being possessed! I'm glad they're figuring it out, it seems. Great job! :)

Jul 14, 2021 10:02 by Luca Poddighe

It was quite common in our own world too. As well the distance between Western medicine and Eastern medicine is inspired by the difference between the medicine of the "Franks" during the crusades and that one of the Islamic people, that had a more significant influence from Greek and Egyptian medicine.

Aug 5, 2021 20:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the 'discovery' section - really interesting. I like that you've included the ingredients too.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Aug 6, 2021 07:17 by Luca Poddighe

I love when I have time to search around, occasionally you find some funny notions too.