All gods Week Tradition / Ritual in Octisafell | World Anvil
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All gods Week

All gods Week is the last five days of the year. All the gods have equal ascendancy and Spectra is all the colors of the spectrum.


All gods day has been celebrated since 1 AG after the gods came to Octisafell.


The five days of All gods Week are spent in devotion and revelry. Offerings are made daily to The Great Father as well as the other eight gods and goddesses of the Exalted Circle. The very devoted follower spends mutiple hours each day communing with their god. Priests, priestesses, and other particularly devout adherants may stay the entire five days in The Temple.

Besides times of devotion, All gods Week is marked by feasting, drinking, and gift giving. People spend time with their families and friends. Some travel far to be with friends and family. Games and other group activities are enjoyed by young and old alike.

People often open their homes for visiting and eating during certain hours every day, all day on chosen days, or for the entire five days. Some of these open houses may be invitation only or open to all whosoever will come. Continual feasting, drinking, an dgames occur during these house parties.

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Everyone on Octisafell who adheres to the tenets of the Book of Tenets of the Spectrum. There are those such as the Chaos Cult who eschew the gods and everything they stand for.


Last 5 days of the year when the moon is multicolored.


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