Silver Bridge Festival Tradition / Ritual in Niya-Yur | World Anvil

Silver Bridge Festival

On a fixed annual schedule at high noon an orbiting ring of immense size is directly over the Duianna Alliance capital city of Gracia. This silver ring reflects the sun's light creating a large glowing ring in the sky.   As this day occurs at the end of the harvest it marks a festival of sharing and travel. The ring also appears over other cities and locations and intermittently aligns with the sun to create the same effect. However, only in Gracia's pinnacle point is it always present becoming bright on the same schedule for as long as records of such events have been maintained.   The ring is called the Silver Bridge for reasons no one knows. Merchants from all the kingdoms as well as champions and performers of all types descend on Gracia for Silver Bridge Day. All businesses and government functions except for the most essential are closed for the day of and the day after Silver Bridge Day.   People gather for the fine foods and parades of performers. The performers and government always have an incredible array of ornamental bead necklaces from all the Duianna Alliance nations which are given away and for the period of the Silver Bridge Festival become a kind of monetary commodity. Pilgrims to Gracia attempt to collect every specimen of the necklaces as possible. There are also costume contests and massive tents and tables are set up for feasts provided by the nobles and governments for all the citizens.   It is common for smaller community gatherings to also exchange small parcels of items wrapped in paper from their homelands. Travelers always put a lot of thought into the gifts as they have to be immediately identifiable for the nation, have a ring theme, and be inexpensive. Many vendors and artists have made livings by producing a variety of special Silver Bridge Festival ornaments in their respective homelands to be sold to pilgrims at the port cities.   At the end of the Festival, the travelers return home with their stories, necklaces, and Silver Bridge gifts. Traditionally, the nations of the alliance exchange ambassadors at this time, and the ambassadors present Silver Bridge Feastival treats as gifts to their host nation's rulers.   Finding a passage to any location directly before and after the Silver Bridge Feastival is nearly impossible and many important families and nobles book passage years in advance.


The exact date of the first Silver Bridge Festival is unknown, although it is generally accepted that the day started as a simple local tradition of Gracia and has grown into a massive world-known event.


Silver Bridge Day begins with a series of reserved services to the various deities. At noon there is a sounding of horns as the Silver Bridge becomes visible. Parades throughout Gracia then occur at random times for the next two days.
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Cover image: by Leeland Artra


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