Channel Maintenence Crabs Species in Niya-Yur | World Anvil

Channel Maintenence Crabs

Before the cataclysm, the mundane sentients lived in a cosmos with extremely low mana levels. That life spawned in such a cosmos is almost unimaginable to the Fae races. In those worlds, without mana the creatures had to invent complex machinery to perform tasks for which mana manipulation provides a surprisingly simple replacement. As the sentients in those worlds grew in knowledge so to did their machines grow in complexity and abilities until the mundane races were able to reproduce almost every effect mana manipulation could.   One of the most interesting areas of research was biology and the combination of the biological with the mechanical. Some races like the Benual sought to enhance their biological bodies into almost entirely mechanical bodies. Other races, like Humans, saught to correct minor problems in their bodies with their machines and to keep their original biological forms. Humans, however, did not feel the need to keep their enhanced helpers in their original biological form creating many great mechanisms driven by the brains and biological mechanics of whichever creatures' features they desired to solve a problem.   The Channel Maintenence Crabs are a prime example of the Humans' ability to combine biological traits with mechanical enhancements to build machines that served their needs.   Channel Maintenence Crabs are similar to crabs that exist in the oceans of the world. However, they are significantly enhanced and enlarged. The largest naturally occurring crab will be about 10 lbs and up to three feet in total length. The Channel Maintenence Crabs are 1 to 3 tons in weight and range in size from ten to thirty feet in total length. They resemble their smaller cousins in shape, movements, and construction. However, the instincts have been slightly adjusted to cause them to clean waterways and shift the silt into the deeper waters. They have thermal cutting pincers capable of cutting through metal which is used to clear shipwrecks and other debris.   The Channel Maintenence Crabs also have the means to communicate between groups and coordinate activities. If a storm creates a large silt build-up or some ship sinks creating a danger to a waterway they will come from up to hundreds of miles away to clear the blockage.  
by Leeland Artra


  • Clear wrecks
  • Dredge the primary waterways keeping the channels stable
  • Break down larger materials in the deep waters for biological recycling
  • Protect the imperial line
  • Rescue floundering vessels if possible
  • Rescue drowning animals and sentients if possible


  • Arch welding cutting pincers capable of cutting through steel and stone
  • Capable of providing up to three greater healings per day
  • Ability to move underwater
  • Ability to provide breathing and pressure safety gear for up to ten air breathers for transport underwater or through vacuums
  • Capable of acting in a vacuum for up to ten hours if not providing air to others
  • A wide array of tools for repair and maintenance of complex machinery

Impact on Cultures

  In the Duianna merchant water routes, the Channel Crabs are rarely seen as they live, work, and presumably die, under the waters of the oceans and deep waterways. However, at times they have been spotted by fishers and other merchant marines. Sighting one as the voyage is starting is considered good luck for the voyage.   In the Island nation of Rhonia when children turn 17 they take part in an annual Channel Crab hunt. They use simple wooden spears and nets to try and capture a crab. This is a symbolic hunt only and they are not expected to succeed. However, in preparation for the hunt, the youth are taught many aspects of ocean husbandry and they learn what the Channel Crabs and other animals of the oceans do. Fortunately, the Channel Crabs have never taken offense at these activities and if they are entangled in the nets or other hunting equipment they cut their way out and go about their work.   The Dwarven cities of Dulgrium use to successfully capture the crabs and study them for a time before releasing them. The majority of what is known about their abilities and activities are from the tomes produced by the Dwarven lands. All of the Dwarven cities have mad laws making it illegal to interfere with the Channel Crabs.

Basic Information


Channel crabs are covered with a thick metal exoskeleton, composed primarily of dense stainless steel, and armed with a pair of claws and an array of tools such as welding torches and power hammers. Channel crabs vary in size from large, leg span of 12m (36 ft) to immense channel silt movers with a leg span up to 24 m (72 ft).
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by Leeland Artra
Scientific Name
Ingens opificum Pseudocarcinus
Bioengineered from decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura

Cover image: by Leeland Artra


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