Apex Security Organization in Neon-22 | World Anvil
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Apex Security

Apex Security is the domestic intelligence and security service of it's mother company Apex Hypertechnology and its principal law enforcement agency. Apex Security has a broad array of specialized services, including the Emergency Service Unit, K9, harbor patrol, air support, bomb squad, counter-terrorism, criminal intelligence, anti-gang, anti-organized crime, narcotics, corporate transportation, and corporate housing.


Apex Security is organized into functional branches and the Central Adminestration, which contains most administrative offices. An executive assistant director manages each branch. Each branch is then divided into offices and divisions, each headed by an assistant director. The various divisions are further divided into sub-branches, led by deputy assistant directors. Within these sub-branches there are various sections headed by section chiefs.


  • AS Intelligence Branch
  • AS Corporate Security Branch
  • AS Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch
  • AS Information and Technology Branch
  • AS Human Resources Branch


The central adminestration provides staff support functions such as finance and facilities management to the five functional branches and the various field divisions. The central adminestration is managed by the AS associate director, who also oversees the operations of both the AS Information and Technology and AS Human Resources Branches.


Apex Security has an extensive history of police brutality, misconduct, and corruption. Critics have accused Apex Security of rampantly manipulating crime statistics. Apex Security has a culture of retaliation against whistleblowers and resisting attempts at criminal justice reform.

Public Agenda

  1. Protect Apex Hypertechnology from terrorist attacks
  2. Protect Apex Hypertechnology against foreign intelligence operations and espionage
  3. Protect Apex Hypertechnology against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes
  4. Protect civil rights of Apex Hypertechnologys corporate citizens
  5. Combat criminal organizations and enterprises
  6. Support local and intercorporate partners
  7. Upgrade technology to enable, and further, the successful performances of its missions as stated above
Corporation, Security
Controlled Territories

Articles under Apex Security

Cover image: by Luk98


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