Terr'ahna Geographic Location in Mystimon Saga | World Anvil


A world beyond our galaxy. Beyond our known universe. This world is twice the size of Earth. It has many seas, many lakes, many rivers. Much water. But it was not always like this. It used to be a barren world, with no water. No life.   Hundreds of thousands of years ago, an accident occurred in the deepest reaches of space which changed the course of this world forever. Here a giant crystalline asteroid, about 8 miles across, drifted through space, collecting a strange kind of radioactive magical energy called Mystia within its very core. Suddenly, this crystalline asteroid collided with a comet, which broke off a large chunk of it. The larger chunk struck Terr'ahna, releasing all of the Mystia within its core through out the land. The smaller piece collided with another world nearby to Terr'ahna, releasing the Mystia in its own core through out the land on this world, which will later come to be called Gravi'tana.   This crystal changed Terr'ahna for the better. Water developed. And from that, vegetation developed. And soon life evolved. But these were no ordinary creatures. Charged with the Mystia which flows through their world now, these creatures evolved with extraordinary magical powers. These were the first Mystimon to ever evolve. Dinozaurs.   Soon humanoids evolved. And Terr'ahna, originally a barren world, became a bright new world teeming with life.   There are many continents on this world. In the eastern hemisphere lies the continent, Almahna, a desert and mountainous continent with its own unique species of Mystimon who thrive in this climate. Temperatures in this region reach as high as 40 degrees Celsius on a daily basis. Rain fall is very rare here. About the only source of water known in this region would be the Nile River, which flows from the northern end of the continent down south about half way, toward Mt. Hellfire in the very center of Almahna. Mt. Hellfire is a massive very much active volcano. Very few travel here, and those who do, never return. It is said that here exists some of the most dangerous Mystimon of all, Hell Dragons.   North of Almahna lies an icy mountainous continent called Highwind. Just about the entire continent is one very massive mountain. Temperatures here vary, depending on how far up the mountain one is. The higher up one goes, the lower the temperature drops. Highwind also has its own unique species of Mystimon which thrive in this climate.   South of Almahna in the eastern hemisphere lies the forest continent, Olympus. This whole continent is covered in green vegetation. Trees, plants, and grass all around. In fact some of the largest trees in all of Terr'ahna grow in this region. Temperatures here mostly hover around a more tropical climate, about 20-35 degrees Celsius. Rainfall here is modest. And many Mystimon species thrive here.   West of Almahna, in the Coren Sea, lies an island chain called the Quatrica Islands. This island chain also has a more tropical climate, similar to Olympus, but also somewhat different, as there is more water. There are also frequent typhoons here.   Further west, west of the Quatrica Islands, in the western hemisphere, lies a dead barren continent covered in a totally black fog, called Gothica. Only very specific Mystimon thrive here. Plant life here is scarce, almost non-existent.   North of the Quatrica Islands, still in the western hemisphere, lies a massive continent call Atlantia. This continent has many varying climates, ranging from icy mountains, to tropical rain forests, to deserts, and beyond. Many upon many Mystimon species are known to thrive here.   In the very far north of Terr'ahna, lies a massive icy continent called Arctica. This continent is entirely covered in ice. Here there are mountains and massive icy plains. It is thought that the entire continent is one massive ice sheet. Ice Mystimon thrive here, as well as some very dangerous foes called the Skulms, undead skeleton creatures who seem to live as a hive, as one mind. Not much is known about the Skulms.   In the very far south of Terr'ahna, lies a string of icy islands, as well as a larger icy land mass, collectively called Arcticus. Here too, lives many ice Mystimon, as well as some water Mystimon.   And finally, floating in the skies over Terr'ahna lies an island, floating in mid air, which travels all over Terr'ahna, following the air currents in Terr'ahna's upper atmosphere. This strange floating island is called Celesteon. No one really knows why or how this strange island seems to float in the air. It is thought to be the most charged with Mystia. Or perhaps an unusual Mystimon never before discovered keeps it afloat. This is one of the many mysteries of Terr'ahna.   Dangers and perils exist around every turn. But this world is also beautiful, with so many unique lands, so many unique climates, so many unique creatures. There is both violence and peace between the many races of Terr'ahna. And sometimes this violence erupts in world wars, which vastly effects the world around them, including the Mystimon. If this violence continues, it could very well rip this world apart, and being the most unique world of all, this must be prevented. Some could learn a lesson from the Mystimon, who continue to live alongside each other in relative peace.   There are many races of humanoids in this world. There are the humans, intellectual and willful. The Vikarahn, strong and courageous. There are also the Cowyns, small but quick thinkers. The Gelvaran, intelligent and swift. The Dragla, the oldest and wisest of all.   There are also the Gola, coldest and darkest of all, the truest form of demons in this world.   Of course many other races exist as well. The Yeglaw, the Sabertooth, the Kongra, the Volx, the Trovin, the Dusgelvin.... The list goes on and on.   Currently there are over five hundred known species of Mystimon, and that number continues to grow every single day. Magicians continue to study the power of the Mystimon as well as the many mysteries of Mystia. But, what they have found is, like with all things, Mystia also comes in a pair. The good normal magic we all know, White Mystia. And a negative magic known as Black Mystia. Both counteract each other in very destructive ways. If ever these energies, positive and negative, were to meet, it could have devastating consequences for all of Terr'ahna.   The war between the Maji Guard and the Sechi Legion was one that should have never begun....


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