Cat Knowledge Collection Document in Mew World | World Anvil

Cat Knowledge Collection

A Collection of Knowledge

A creation by the ICB Science Depawtment, the CKC is a collection of everything the cat scientists have discovered and invented.

Most of the records are written in catish, an intricate mix of smells and body language that the cat scientists have adapted to a complex digital language. It's designed in a way where all cats can read this information, but only the cat scientists can write in this language as the keyboard has way too many keys for anyone else to even bother to learn it. This, of course, means the other cats who want something recorded in the collection will need to get one of the scientists to write it for them.

Why write when you can bully one of the scientists to do it for you?

The cats can reach the CKC from the Thinking Box, the Command, and the Lounge. This makes it possible for everyone in the ICB to have whatever information they need on paw. The collection is saved on each of these access spots as well, in case one of them should fail and the whole collection is lost.

Meticulously Sorted

Every entry in the CKC is sorted into a strict system, making it easy to find what you need. As some topics could fit in several categories, you can find the information everywhere it's relevant, as well as an intricate web of links connecting the topics together. It's an ingenious system that only cats could come up with.

Manual, Scientific
Digital Recording, Various
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: by dendoktoor


Author's Notes

Cats have, of course, never heard of Wikipedia and other knowledge bases, as they don't have access to our Internet.

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Aug 28, 2022 02:05 by Amy Winters-Voss

Awarding you the Kitsune Approved badge for your excellent document article!

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Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website